i m sry but i cant stand guys who are shorter then me...i like to date guys who are atleast 3 inch taller
if a guy's shorter than me (i'm 5'3" btw) he can go bang his head on the wall and kill himself for being so damn short. of course height matters.
i wouldnt want my gf to be taller than me.... it just doesnt look right.. especially when she wears her high-heels.. =/
haha makes me angry that the majority of girls prefer tall guys since im only 5'5 im automatically ruled out ahhh lmao
This is one of those flaws in the asian gene pool. I wanted to hit 6'...although it's unlikely when both parents/relatives/grandparents are tall to begin with. Plus, I don't think our asian diets/activities have too much of a positive contribution. If I'd drank even half the recommended number of cups of milk a day...I wonder. =) I prefer girls just slightly shorter than I am. It's an image thing, nothing of offence to any other persons.
well obviously prefer younger or same age girls and also shorter. but taller or around same height is or older is okay as well. already had an ex who was a year older than me..
i'm 5'8, with shoes, 5'9? approximately, i'd prefer a girl that's 5'4 so that if she wears heels, i'm still slightly taller. =) 5'2-5'4 is fine for me. but then i don't really mind dating taller girls, well not too much taller, 6' max maybe.
omg... that sucks! well... hell... the girls that I like are all blonde girls, they are way too tall for me. :( yet asian girls are so picky. @.@
hey, u can't control these things... =P if u like someone u like someone... it just happens. with my ex, i really didnt plan on dating her... it just happened. no idea how.