What I personally think is that a couple who believes in different religions will tend to have more disputes than a couple where 1 is religious and 1 isn't. So if the guy is a christian and the girl is a muslim, they will have more arguments than if the guy is atheist/agnostic and the girl is a buddhist.
LOL, considering that I was part of the arguments, of course I have read. You are one funny dude. It is NOT religion related... not in the way you said it is. At least it's not the religion itself that is causing the arguments.
haha .. I don't think Christians and Muslim is a good example of argument. they have had wars for centuries just becoz of that.
Yeap, I do agree....I am a buddhist but not a hardcore one, but i've got friends tat are hardcore christians(no offense to neone). As in everything is because of god, and when they do their prayers, they only thank god but not their parents...That just don make sense to me....I do believe in god but not everything...So, i was thinking that somehow i would not be able to click with Christians...For instance, would my kids be buddhist or christian..Thats a toughy for me >.<
And in most Muslim countries, once a guy marries a muslim girl he has to convert into muslim too and change his name..Thats one of the consequences to be considered but i guess in some cases love overcomes everything -worship
that is true to a large extent, but two people can still be together even though they have differeny religions... have two very good examples.... i had a classmate that converted to islam and got married to a super religous muslim (this acutally happend earlier this year ) and they are very happy. i know this other couple where the guy is a muslim (not as extreme as the other one mentioned, but still pretty religous) and the girl is catholic. they've been together for 3 years now and have a very good relationship, despite the fact that they really don't like each others religions...
I don't think it'll be a prob. It's even better, your children gets exposed to more than just 1 religion. Most important is understanding I guess. Draw the line when you guys are gonna argue about religion (unless your partner is malay, because that means you're forced to convert if you guys wanna marry).
how else do you think they expand their followers. i'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here, but I believe Catholics are the same.
Yes this is true in countries like Malaysia, but from what I have known, Muslims have never made this rule of converting to their religion when you get married.. This rule was made by our own government -ann
AND if you divorce you can't change back to whatever religion you were in before you married your partner. ISlam will follow you like a curse till the day you die, on your identification card and all. You gotta wear tudung... songket... >.<
You can 'try' to convert out, but it's a tough road ahead haha. I heard some even get caught and held up by the ISA. -unsure That's one of the reasons why they are trying hard to abolish it (ISA).
Did you heard about the Lina Joy case? Federal Constitution is the highest law and it LOSES to the Syariah law. Maes no sense. Since it's the highest, no law can overcome it. So how can it be made less important than the syariah law? According to the federal constitution, a malay is a person who speaks malay, follows the tradition and basically professes (believes) in Islam. Lina Joy has been a christian secretly for more than 20 years. She doesn't speak malay, follow malay traditions (she doesn't pray 5 times a day or anything), or even believes in Allah. She believes in Christ. Yet they don't allow Lina Joy to convert. Luckily she's in Australia or the ISA would have apprehended her earlier, enabling the court to overrule her plea without trial in her absence in the ISA prison. They probably tried to catch her after the case was dismissed. You should read tnhe May 13 book by Kuo Kia Siang. It would totally open your eyes to the malays. It's inexpensive.
^Hehe yes I am aware of the ugliness of the government. But this is really a sensitive and taboo topic -unsure On the surface, they say they are a fair and unbiased government but... I beg to differ. They want us to call ourselves M'sians so hard, but they are not giving us a good reason to do so and be patriotic. -ann According to the 'laws' in this country, as long as a person is deemed to be a muslim, he/she is governed under the syariah laws and not the common law. I think I have just read a recent case of someone who wanted to convert out or sth, but he/she is denied to be tried in the common law, asked him/her to refer to the syariah court.. lol.
That's the Lina Joy case. Again, it goes against the federal constitution that states that "every individual has the freedom to choose their own religion" with the exception that all religions cannot convince islams to join their religion but Islams are allowed to influence people to embrace theirs. The case is nothing of the above and it still lost to Syariah.She doesn't even fulfil the requirements of being a malay and still... no sense. plus, if they dun let her convert, in her heart, she'd still only believe in christ anyway. Did you know malays who wanna convert or does not adhere to islam traditions are sent to some rehabilitation centre so "islam-ize" the people back i nto Islam devoters? Force them to pray 5 times a day, speak only malay, wear tudung and songket, etc. I think they might have done it to Lina Joy if she was still in the country. You should read the book. I found out many things I wouldn't believe or know. Our govt thought about banning it ya know. Anything they wanna ban is worth reading.
^Where can I find that book? lol. And it's true.. anything they ban, we should watch/read kekeke. Yes those rehabilitation centres are 'brainwashing' them to be Muslims again... but that defeats the purpose I think. What is a Muslim to them? Is it the praying ritual(s) and dressing, OR the mind and attitude of the person? These people just can't be matured enough... They are fanatics.
The book is sold off shelves in MPH. It's RM20. The book is red. It gives the account from many incidents happening up to 2006 as well as the insights into slightly before May 13 and after. There are people lined up to borrow my book. It's good reading material for those who wanna know the version different from the one the govt is feeding us. They feel afraid that if they allow people to convert they'll be no more Islams because everyone would be rushing to convert. to think of it, it's true. Islams are ignorant, having their religion chosen and enforced on them since birth. They know nothing else and is kept that way. I have an Islam friend who said "I'm happy to be an Islam because I don't have to worry about choosing religion and believes". Can you believe that? It's a real rebound, their action of forcing devouteesto remain. That makes them mindless followers.
well i don't believe its right to tell your kids what to believe in i will let them learn on there own if they ask me what i believe i'll tell them. but i won't try to scare them into it believe it if they believe something else thats fine too. just as long as there good ppl,i think there too meny ppl trying o scare ppl in to being a Christian with hell and other stuff.lol when what they want most times is more money in the plate.lol but i will want my kids to be good and loving ppl tho. and i will be happy if they are.lol and i will give them all the tools they need whatever they pick,but if they do want to become Christians i'll make sure they do there own studying and not hear so blow hard say nothing for a hour but prase the Lord and about his gradfather did this and that and try to fit it to one vers out of the bible.lol
Lol....everyone if suddenly you guys do not see Jamien or BabyRain no more I think the government might have hacked their internet and they have been arrested by the ISA.....So, don't panic if they disappear suddenly....No offense to both Jamien and BabyRain kekekeke -rolleyes