now I know that calling your bf/gf sweetie, babe, honey, and all the list of other names are normal but why can't they just call you your name? in all of my relationships my gf's always called me honey or babe or whatever but damm can't they just call me my name? don't know why I find it annoying when people do that especially when you are with a group of people.
My parent named me Carl but it sound like a black name but they say is not that popular so won't be mix and they called me Ca or Kai for no reason and is very annoying and I needed to change my name.
It might be the girls way of letting other guys know that she's got a man.. This should reduce the number of guys that would hit on her which might lead to you feeling jealous, loss of trust in her, uncomfortable, etc. It could also be her way of being a little "wun yao tai teep" so it's clear who's wearing the pants in the relationship.. or it could just be her way of showing/telling you that you hold a high ground in her heart.. If you don't like it.. talk to her about it then =b
Its a way of showing your affection towards the person. Plus it works better to call you by those names when they are whining or persuading you to do something or go somewhere.
Hehe, why would you feel embarrassed that your gf calls you those unless you have sth to hide??? If I am in your shoes, I'll be proud that she's calling me those names, makes me feel special... -whistle It's a term of endearment. Anyway, to each his own. If you don't like it, then just be straightforward and tell her. I used to not liking my bf calls me 'babe' in public because I don't want anyone to know he's my bf... So... hmm, is that your hidden agenda as well? -detect
no hidden agendas or anything like that I can understand every now and then but replacing your name with baby or something ehhh i guess it's just me :-D
^Well, if the girl only calls YOU baby, then you should be flattered, but if she goes around calling other people names like 'sweetie' or 'honey' when she first met them, then it's just her way of talking and there's nothing special then. In that case, you can tell her to stop being so 'endearing' to other people
well, sometimes pet names can get my skin crawls and hair stands at its ends. the more usual ones are okay by me; but those really rare does that to me. Example: "Anh" in vietnamese ... i can't stand that. and no, i'm not vietnamese, just dated vietnamese before.
lol i wouldn't have put it exactly that way babyrain but i believe the point goes to you on that one.
i find pet names annoying in public too... it gives me goosebumps... n i hate it when someone calls me "babe"... but i like it when it's just the 2 of us... kekeke... just names that other ppl will never find out...
i prefer guys to call me by name lol wasnt there a chinese series that this guy had so many gf he'll just call them all honey or sweetie so he wont mix up their names haha
yeah i'm like that too. i don't like all those mushy name calling stuff. gives me goosebumps. i'm just not one of those lovey-dovey types of ppl. i have a name, use that or i'm not answering
it's ok with me being called dear but i hate those who call their loved ones 'chu chu'(pigx2), 'bi bi' (baby'), so chu(silly pig), 'bu bu' ( sounds like poo poo to me), *goosebumps all over* they love to play with vowels bibi bubu (luckily i haven't heard of baba bebe bobo)
I watched john tucker must die 2 days ago....and they said guys do it so that they wont get the names mixed up if their seeing more then 1 girl at once =)..... Hehehe....but to answer ur Q.... its just cute... I dont say sweetie & honey... i'd just say sweet and baby -inlove