I've been seeking for a female companion for awhile now, and finally I've got some success... something else doesn't seem right. Long story short.. I met this girl, she's kinda chubby and not really a looker, but she's nice so I decided to give her a chance. Since I was kinda desperate too. However, She was more desperate than me, she asked for my phone number, asked me a buncha questions and text me, emails me, im's me and I've had it. I don't want to be rude but she's getting WAY too annoying for me, she just met me and she's been calling me at all times and sometimes even at 3 o'clock in the morning! Now, since I haven't got too much experience in getting that other person out of my life since I was the one who gets rid of all the time. How and what should I do? -_-
just tell her (face to face, none of that over the email, text message crap) that it's just not working out for u. DO NOT tell her about the whole chubby thing, u'll just make her go anorexic that will result in her death. but yeah, just tell her u just don't feel that way about her.
Yeah, tell her in person what you think and that you want to start slowly, not hasting everything. Give her a chance and explain this to her. (maybe she'll show up on PA and start a thread titled: Help, my bf thinks I'm choking him with my attention!)
yea just tell it to her face, damn calling you 3 in the morning that's pretty crazy, and she's not hot too, dump her....
Best would be to follow the above suggestions...but seriously, now that you've got what you always wanted, why not give it a try and work out the details with her? ... -mellow
tell her not to call u 3 in the morning... and don't reply her sms or email...don't show any interest in her... or hint ur interested in someone else... if they don't work tell her ur gay...
^ she can be a pervert and tell him to prove it lols, since she is so attached and all, the best thing is to straight up dump her.
sigh...remember this one thread not too long ago about beauty and the ppl were like, looks aren't everything, it's about personality? i have made my point that beauty comes first.
Getting rid of girls is a skill that I have and good at. Just keep telling the girl you're busy and have no time for her. If she continues, tell her you hate people who keep bothering and calling you. If she still doesn't listen, then ignore her.
@ lee-lee well beauty always plays a part, i mean you wouldn't tolerate a ugly guy getting too attached to you but if a celebrity looking dude does it to you, its ok right... life is just like that...
I wouldn't call her my gf considering we've met last week. @_@ and also, it's gotten to the point where I leave my phone off or on silent. *sighs* I guess it's a lesson in life that I must face.
last week???!!!! holy crap. doesn't this girl have friends? her friends should tell her to freaking chill. honestly, if it hasn't even been a freaking week and it's nothing serious, just ignore her. she'll get the point. she'll hate u for life but i don't think u care about that. she's nuts. she needs to get friends to tell her how to deal with a relationship.
^ since she's not your girlfriend, just stop talking to her, block her phone number, block her sn, block her email, simple. when she tries to talk to you, say hi back, then ignore her and walk away.
i would say just tell her what u feel and if the truth hurts, o well. if she says she is willing to change and u feel like give her another chance, go for it. all i have to say is don't regret what u do cause i did once in my younger days
but this solution is better? there is no difference between ur solution and aznsensation. ur solution is just as cruel.
you are right, her friends... well, come to think of it, I've never met any of her friends. She's home most of the time and she want me to call her at any time. o_o.... so, I feel reallly uncomfortable. She's 21, so I thought she'd know better.
^ that would make her hate you but that's a good thing since he doesn't like her much as well, i mean since they only met a week and all don't really matter... damn 21 and she does that, she has problems no doubt