A good relationship is something that doesn't involve marriage lol, usually goes downhill from there.
- Communication (both parties able to communicate well, no hidden feelings, no 'cold' wars, no issues unresolved, basically the first person you'd want to tell the good and bad news is your partner) - Trust (both of you able to trust each other and by that, I mean you feel comfortable when you are not around your partner when he or she is out on an outing with a friend of the opposite sex, and you feel that he/she is not hiding something from you. You don't feel paranoid, and when you see his/her phone lying around, you don't feel tempted to check his/her messages and calls history) -Respect (You respect each other's feelings, opinions, differences in every aspect be it his/her personal beliefs/religion, principles in life, hobbies, ideas, etc.) -Individuality (You are able to have your own 'alone' time without the other partner feeling left-out or you feeling guilty about it. Basically you are able to maintain your relationship without feeling like you have lost your uniqueness and also, your friends) -Passion and Affection (You feel these two ingredients present in your relationship at all times. Even when you get tired of each other in bed at times (somestimes you don't feel like having sex), you'd still feel affectionate towards your partner. Basically, you just don't get bored of each other.) -Love (And of course, the most basic and important ingredient which must be present in a 'good relationship').
(And of course, the most basic and important ingredient which must be present in a 'good relationship') oh like milk + chocolate = brown milk i c ic !!
this question cannot be answered. goes into the same department as "what do women want?" this is not a good relationship. it is the dream of what a relationship could be.
"this is not a good relationship. it is the dream of what a relationship could be." whoa ur straight forward haha
i am in a relationship. have been for 3 years. AND it's long distance. i only get to see him once every two weeks so i really do love the guy to want to deal with long distance. i am blissfully happy with him and wouldn't want it any other way. however, the relationship does not even come close to what babyrain wrote. but i wouldn't want it any other way cause i'm happy. but like knoc said, this question differs with every person. the way it works for me would not work for the next person u know? if that was the case, we would all be in love with one person only.
A good relationship is a relationship with lots of sex... just kidding. Yea a good relationship differs from person to person. The relationship that babyrain describes is too perfect. I think you need some arguments, some misunderstanding between the 2 people. If you can overcome those arguments and misunderstanding that means you are in a good relationship. It show that you are willing to learn more about each other and that the relationship is growing and not stagnant. I was in a relationship with all the aspect that Babyrain describe, we don't argue cause we always know what the other person is thinking. We respect each other space and time. And it slowly got very normal. And as lee-lee said, that is a dream and a dream usually have to come to an end.
Haha wait a minute guys. He asked what is a good relationship... And I just laid down all the ingredients which I think SHOULD be present in a 'good' relationship according to meself. The list is not by any means, exhaustive, or THE list. It's just my own list Some of the ingredients can be compromised on, but the key word is 'compromise'. Besides, I think every relationship may have its 'flaws' but it all depends on the couples whether they could accept the flaws or no. But the main four, i cannot imagine how people can cope in a relationship without COMMUNICATION, TRUST, RESPECT and LOVE? -huh
easy to say but not easy to do. When everything feels right when you're with this person. And the other person is not shoving you in a corner and forcing you to be someone, labeled as something. when you're improving and making the other person a better person. when there's alone time, time to breathe and times when the significant other forces you to push yourself. that's a good relationship.
i believe a good relationship is built on trust and compromising with each other and love trust and the ability to compromise is hard but i think thats the 'solid ground' you should have with each other or else the negative side of human nature shows...jealousy and things like that
different people have different opinions mines: when you feel safe and secure with the other in every way....