Hehehe thanks for ur warm support guys Makes me wanna try to do a sequel .. hope i won't disappoint!! But please be honest with ur comments... If it's not any good, then i don't want to ruin this story. Oh because the demon was speaking to Mr. Creed as if it was Janie arh ma. So the 'me' refers to Janie ma And not really, this is not my 'first' story, as I used to like writing hehehe. but all are kids' stuff... i wrote when back in school.. hehe. And thankies for your compliment again. Yes .. can always count on BBear to give it to me! (the medicine... lol)
Ok this first chapter of the sequel has been posted. http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20034 Please post your comment there for me to decide if I should continue with the sequel -^_^