quite honestly, i don't think ur sexist. i've heard guys talk like that. i've just accepted that is how u guys communicate.
actually, you are very true. You see, I've been a nerd most of my life and I was fat for many years.... what I mean by fat, well... there's a thread of me from back then and now for the fitness section or somewhere. And that made me lose confidence and of course not meeting gals. The girls I've met were ghetto, what I mean by that is that they got mad tattoos, their language isn't english, it's either bad english or nothing but curse words. I know a lot about computers, movies, tv, sports, cars and art. But not girls, since I was never really in that co-ed environment.
u dont come off as a sexist...u come off as... a wimp who doesnt have the guts to turn her down... instead of that ur avoiding her by not answering her calls... quite funny how u talk about her looks...when u say u used to be insecure about ur own looks...=/
well then dude, u need to get off these chat forums, call ur boys and go out. ur not gonna learn about life or girls as much as actually going out into the world and experiencing it.
I've never really dealt with gals, they are a mystery to me. I've solved puzzles, got through mazes, get A's for calculus, reverse engineer codes and make new codes and solved some of the hardest questions out there. But I always get an F in understanding girls, of course.... people fear what they don't understand no? I tried to ask a girl nicely not to curse one time, she ended up throwing her shoe at my head and punched the hell outta me and cursed the hell outta me for no reason! I made an equation for people like me one time, actually I still do have it. It's an Animagraph, what I call it and I will share it with you all. It may or may not seem true, but it's like that when you are a nerd/anime/geek/fat/antisocial person.
-.- my town, not worth going out any more. you know that gold digger song? Yes well... that's from my town. OOPS! MY BAD, Didn't mean to double post
"I tried to ask a girl nicely not to curse one time, she ended up throwing her shoe at my head and punched the hell outta me and cursed the hell outta me for no reason! " Ok...so she was doing all that for no reason or are u just leaving stuff out...? or was she on drugs?
no, because I was the only guy there that doesn't pick on girls, all the other guys were making her mad. that's what I get for being nice....
how am I cruel? -_- I dun get it... I mean if she wasn't so stalkish and calls me out of nowhere after we've met for only a week, I'd try to workout on something. It doesn't matter if she was fat or not, I don't really care about that. shoot, I don't really care if she was a 10 for ugliness, If she acted normal I would at least try to be friends.
how did u meet her?? maybe next time when u c a girl u think it's nice u might wanna find out more from her friends before u show any signs of interest
i'm not talking about the girl but ur diagram. u sure do hate fat chicks. u were also cruel about her looks as well if u read ur threads.
Agreed haha! If it was strictly about the girl's behavior, then why bring up the point that she's fat and all that? Why even mention that she's 8 out of 10 (the scale) and blablabla? It's not relevant to the point that she's disturbing you at all right?
I drew that 4 years ago when I see things like that, which in the anime world. It's pretty much like that, I had no social skills, no friends and based on my observation through many places. It was like that, I wasn't trying to be mean, I was stating what I've noticed and seen. There's a difference. *sighs* this is making me depressed, maybe this is what I deserve in life. Nothing but unhappiness.
Lol...yeap very true indeed probably thats why i was mislead to you being a sexist...Lol, I guess ur a male version of me then, I have no ideas what is goin on in guy's head though i come from a co-ed environment. However, even in high school i paid more attention in ma books than guys so in da end they disregarded me too and started to pick on me....And now, in uni i dunno how to deal with guys no more. But, i am not desperate cos i've planned for the worse.>.< But, don worry too much and come on i find some nerds ultimately sexy hahaha cause they know what they are talking about and for me brains are very important so just take your time and find the right girl. Honestly, i don see a future for u n this girl cause u do not love her but u tolerate her (-_-").So, send her a card like i said before. A sorry one i guess.....
why is this making u depressed? it has nothing to do with being depression. just tell this girl that its over. call her right now and say this, "i'm sorry but i dont' think i feel that way about u so please stop calling me. i'm really sorry". then hang up. after that, if she still calls then just ignore her. then she's the idiot that won't go away then that's her problem. as for the fat chick complex u got. take out the diagram from 4 years ago out of the picture, u r still cruel about it. again: read ur threads. next time: jsut dont' start anything with a girl u consider fat and we'll see if the story is any different.
What's the big deal about this? He only knew this girl for ONE WEEK! Just ignore her or whatever until she gets tired of contacting you, if you don't want to be telling her the truth. I doubt she's going to mope around for you for too long, she'll get over you pretty soon... Unless in that ONE WEEK, she's somehow so deeply attached to you that she can't forget you!? Or else, just try to hint to her that you are not interested. It's not that hard, is it?