Oh yea! it makes u look a bit older than 17 haha! btw nice top u got haha! Found in dictionary: Bloke = An Australian male with nothing better to do than sit and drink beer LOL!
lol yerrrr playboy hehe nice definition but shame its wrong its not just the australian males ooooooh sexist =] hah well some arent as useless lol
Lol! definition came from dictionary, so I guess bloke is an Australian word!? Maybe the females too!? haha! Oh and yes.. i do agree that Im maybe 49% sexist and the other 51% I do believe woman are capable as much as men and maybe more in some other aspects! Aren't as!? haha! that means they still useless in some way or the other lol! now ur the sexist haha!
4'11.5" yea.. count that .5! i think i reached my limit *tear* anyone wanna share some growth spurt ideas? being this short is ho chom!
Play basketball, skip ropes or any activities that require jumping and of course not to forget a well balanced diet, periods of rest and sleep...... but if you are past 22 or genetically inherited short genes, dont think there's much you can do. -^_^
lol joker, the women dont have beerbellys & watch tv all day long sitting on their big asses haha joking, i do admit i am quite sexist but only cause of prev experience with guys =] but come on.. i am right! lol
I think ur taking the image of Homer Simpson as ur definition of men haha! Umm.. can we open a new thread somewhere named "cottoncandybabe's previous guy experiences"? I wanna know lol! wonder if all the guys uve met r like Homer? haha! Also wonder how a height topic became a sexist topic!?!? /panic!
lol as if u even thought about a name for a thread hahah ur the one whos made it sexist? maybe? haha i just blame u anyway =] cause i feel like it & yes it pretty much is homer simpson just human & maybe more hair lol
Lol yes I've thought of a name.. can I start the thread? Just need u to say yes haha! A couple of options are: -cottoncandybabe's previous guy experiences -cottoncandybabe and homer simpson -cottoncandybabe the great sexist How did I make it sexist!? I just gave out the definition of "bloke" lol! OMG.. think I just discovered that I'm a masochist! I like getting blamed by ms playboy top^^! lol! so u described the guys in the UK as homers... then we over here at ths US we're Bart simpsons u know the cool guys lmao! >>slap myself for being a dork haha!
i'm 5'8" .. 15 years old, so I still have like half a year left to grow because my doctor said that girls usually stop growing at 16
Nope my school did not do that and even when i do medical check up i just look away and walk away just to avoid seeing or hearing my height cause i am the shortest among my siblings so i am quite depressed about my height and i already have other issues in hand that affects my confidence so don have to add more into da list.....-sweat
^Wuah... okay... but not wanting to know about your height... uhm, isn't that denial? lol Nvm, maybe you are still growing? How old are you?
Yealo i said i was living in denial before hahaha...Nah stopped growing ages ago hehehe my age arr i am turning 22 in 5 months.....-sweat getting old.....
^Nvm, I am sure you are not that short Ah! I know a very nice guy on this forum who's uhm... not so tall himself.. ahahaha
Lol...I am very sure he is hunting for tall girls cause you love what you don have -cool2 By da way BR which part of Msia are you from?