Guys: What Qs Do You Have for the Girls?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by gigi_gucci, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    depends where and how i found it... if i found a bag of cash at the doorstep of a charity... i might not take it, but if it was in the middle of no where then its finders keepers
  2. AViolet07

    AViolet07 Well-Known Member

    If someone you know, but not even a friend of you (working in same place), give you a souvenir, what's ur thought about that guy?

    Izzit money really matter for a gal to choose a guy?
  3. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... I'd think he wants to be noticed I guess.

    And no, money isn't important to me. It's nice to have but in this age and time, we girls can always make our own right?

    For example, for my upcoming birthday on the 21st July, my boyfriend bought me an MP4 player. It has a 2.4" screen, since He heard me say "If I want 1, I want 1 with a large screen". I didn't mean it as a hint but he bought it for me anyway. It cost him quite a bit, but what I find I like best about the gift isn't how much it's worth. It's more like his sincerity to give me what I like, his determination to save up money to get me wat I want (he's not rich) and the fact that money issues are secondary to my feelings. Sincerity, the thing all women want. That's why we like flowers and even hand made gifts from men. They don't cost a lot but it's the sincerity and thought of making us happy. ^^
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    If I don't usually talk to the guy (you said not even a friend), then I'll be wondering why he gives me the souvenir...? Maybe he's interested to keep in touch with me eh? (If I am leaving, that is)
    If I am still working there and the guy gives me a 'souvenir' out of the blue, then he's definitely interested in me or something... (unless we recently worked together and achieved some target?)

    Not for me, but I'd like a guy to be at least capable of taking care of the family and have a little savings, SOME... and not zero in his bank account. I know some guys spend every cent they get and when it comes to emergency, they are out of cash. Saving is a virtue for me. (Don't get me wrong, I don't want a miser either). Just don't want a spendthrift or a miser.
  5. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    A quick question. I recently moved to a new department in my company. My company is pretty big so I don't know everyone in it. So as I went to my new floor, I found out that I knew one of them. She went to my college which was like 4 years ago. Even during college we barely talked to each other, we might have 3 meaningful conversation tops. We have an internal messaging service where we talk to the people on our team, so we started to talk to each other a lot. We often go out to eat lunch together and we like to bicker at each other all the time. Lately we have been hanging out after work, not too long though maybe 1 to 2 hours. She also likes to tell me very personal things like "oh I got my period today". But she has a BF, so what is the girl thinking?
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    2 possibilities.

    First - The girl probably finds you such a companion because you two came from the same college into a new strange world (the company) and thus, she finds that she's closer to you because you know, you both are kinda like allies. She could also have been lonely before your arrival and once you both got talking, she finds that you are compatible. So the sense of attachment + compatibility leads to one thing after another. In this case, she just treats you like a buddy at work.

    Second - She likes you.
    Btw, how do you know she's got a bf? You've seen the guy? Or she told you?
  7. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    First - she's been in the company for 2 years already and she knows everyone on the team and is in good terms with everyone

    Second - I saw a picture and I met her friends who talked about her bf with me
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Maybe she has broken up?

    Well even though she knows everyone on the team and is in good terms with them, that doesn't mean she isn't lonely. She could be on just a professional courteous and friendly level to these people.
    I can still be on good terms with my colleagues and still feel a little lonely :p
    And I do think I'd tend to click a little bit more if I met an ex-collegemate of mine.
  9. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    from a guys PROFESSIONAL perspective, I think she thinks she needs some support in the group. It is a dog eat dog type of world sometimes.
  10. AViolet07

    AViolet07 Well-Known Member

    Erm, from my experience, gals like to chat and they'll say anything even about their period if she's close to the guy ... don't mistreat that she's interested in you coz you might lose a friend ...

    Even if she really interested in you, then giv it some time, time will tell ... there's sometime in life you need to do thing quickly, but definitely not in hurry ... patience is everything ...
  11. AViolet07

    AViolet07 Well-Known Member

    Not for me, but I'd like a guy to be at least capable of taking care of the family and have a little savings, SOME... and not zero in his bank account. I know some guys spend every cent they get and when it comes to emergency, they are out of cash. Saving is a virtue for me. (Don't get me wrong, I don't want a miser either). Just don't want a spendthrift or a miser.[/QUOTE]

    Yes, i agree but how bout a guy like me who juz started working? I even can't work as full-time since i've to continue my studies ...
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Of course there's a difference when you first started working compared to after a few years of working. But generally, if you are hardworking enough and put enough effort in ur 'career' then I am sure money is not a problem to the girl.. (Not all girls.. some girls would not consider you if you are not successful yet)

    P/s: Clicky on the "QUOTE" button on the bottom right of a post to quote it.
  13. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Yea, at first I didn't think much of it and just assume she just want a friend. But its not like she don't talk to the other teammates both females and males. But recently she's been getting mad at me for no particular reason and giving me these cold war. With my personality I tend to just ignore stuff like that, if she is not talking to me I rather not talk either. A few times she would come to my office and say "I can't believe you're not talking to me" and etc. And she always like to bake me stuff to eat for breakfast (cake, muffins and cookies).
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Wow ... sounds like she's interested in you! (she may haf broken up with her bf... ask her)
  15. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    I'm 100% sure she is with her BF.
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Then, I have no idea why she's doing this.. Unless she's treating you like her best gal pal or sth... -whistle

    Either that, or she's cheating on her bf! :p
  17. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    ^ I don't know what she is doing, thats why I'm asking. I tend to read girls pretty okay, but this have been baffling me for like months.
  18. AViolet07

    AViolet07 Well-Known Member

    I think she doesn't like her bf anymore or they just hav probs ... maybe she's juz hanging with her bf before she knows whether you like her or not ...
  19. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Well the thing is I don't have any interest in her. So I don't know.
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Then keep your distance until you are sure she ISN'T interested in you, coz you don't want to lead her on...
    I must say what you have done so far are quite right -"But recently she's been getting mad at me for no particular reason and giving me these cold war. With my personality I tend to just ignore stuff like that, if she is not talking to me I rather not talk either."

    Just play it cool. And one more thing, stop accepting those breakfast treats from her -^_^ Say you haf eaten bfast or something.