What do you think?

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by aniking_7, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Hmm, what is offtrack? This topic is so random.
    We are on the topic of beautiful people aren't we? And Tax has a beautiful body.. so it's not offtopic actually.
  2. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Hey, I replied the OP too lol! ^^^ :D

    The only question in this thread was in the title: "What do you think?"

    And I saw the pics without nudity and I was disappointed and also expressed that lol!
  3. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    suicidal? no. depressed? not really.

    I simply accepted the real facts in reality. Imagine, how many people are able to find a supermodel as their bf/gf? the ratio is like lotto.

    I've simply stated that such beautiful women like them will be hard to reach as they seem like thousand miles away. They are great to look at, but that's all I can do. A peasant knows his role in life, he can never marry to a princess.
  4. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Now both offers sound real good ihhh dilemma must it be one only if join to then i can easily allocate 1,3,5 as BR's minions and 2,4,6 contract with Tax.....Then Sunday, offday lar too much fun liao after go cuckoo hahha
    Now, its not about the body only you know its about the performance and the post services lol.....Tell me where can i get a form and da contract hahahaah
    Now now...Like BR said i did replied to the thread at the start but i still have to apologize to aniking...-noclue
  5. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Honey, you're a peasant if you think you are I am a princess in my own heart...;)So, i always feel like a princess so try to be positive and you'll see how good life could be or lol learn ma skills of living in denial its never wrong to hallucinate hahaha....

    Sorry to multi post again beta apologize b4 i get ma ass whipped again....
  6. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    well... I rather be realistic about situations and not dream of things that won't happen. It's like the toad trying to lick the swan (chinese proverb). For Example. I'm a broke guy, can't try to pretend to be a baller. I accept reality. I rather tell the truth rather than be fake about it.
  7. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    I am not asking you to lie to others but sometimes being too realistic you end up being sad but from the other sections you post, since you exercise a lot i guess that keeps you active and healthy and happy so.....And, you're a big boy so have fun in life then-cool
  8. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    yep, also, I'm more like an old man :p in this forum.
  9. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    The 3 ladies look pretty. For the gentlemen, no comment.
  10. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Lol...i think tats cos u don really know the ages here i bet there are quite a few older than you are or not far behind you...Come on, ur a man youth is unlimited if ur a chick then panic...Like Kate Hudson dating a 60 year old dude though he is a billionaire, so in the case of non billionaires obviously you do not get chicks like Kate lar but still can get wan....-tongue2
  11. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    I don't think you know the nature of my face, body or mental thoughts, doesn't matter if I'm an immortal. My given voice hurts the ears of even hercules himself, my breath comes at people like the waves from poseidon summons. Females would tremble before me due to my extreme odor from my feet and they would swoon at the sight of my hairy body which is also known as the human forrest. My inner deep thoughts could slaughter a thousand, no a hundred thousand ants while my secrets could even make the gods cry. I am young in appearance, yet I am as old as a fool searching for the pearls of the sea. So, scared now?
  12. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    i think this thread just found its place.
  13. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Lol...nope....i mixed with a lot of guys so they don frighten me hahaha....if you read this i have a very good reccomendation for feet odors....I tried this product in NZ called Granny's Foot Remedy and it was the bomb man....It cured me and now i don have odor no more....Lol...ur inner deep thoughts...are they real dodgy fantasies hahaha...-flowProbli ur not as bad as u think....Let others judge...
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    what do i think? i think this thread is retarded lol
  15. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    This thread have direction whatever.