wat wud boys buy for a girl's bday :P

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Rukia90, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    well some of my friends take it as joke but some probably will hate me for life it all depends ahah
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hey i still adore sanrio stuff too...
    nothing wrong with that right? :p
    I guess its the asian in me...
  3. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    lol thats a bit too asian but its okay angie liking that stuff makes it easier for people to get you something on your bday
  4. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Hopefully she don think that you wan to see her in it lar hahahaah after send the wrong signals causing complications kekeeke
    Nothing is wrong with you, I used to be a big fan but i am just not into it as much as i used to hahah though i am an asian -rolleyes
  5. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    lol im always sending wrong signals got used to it but my good friends should know im not like that so its okay
  6. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Hhaahah so you like playing with fire doncha...Becareful, after you get burnt too...-whistle
  7. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    ahah never got burnt so i guess i have to start playing with fire to know what i feels like ahha
  8. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Lol.....good luck with it just don end up playing with those suicidal or loony ones that die for love, kidnap for love so on so forth then u r doomed -tongue2
  9. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    ahah will do
  10. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    If suddenly u disappeared there are few possibilities:
    1) kidnapped and tied up to a chair (betcha like that)
    2)being drugged...lover suicidal kinda thing(i cant have him so can others)
    3)too troubled by all da heat from da fire

  11. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    btw im a guy dont think that would happen to me
  12. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Duhhh obviously i know ur a guy since god knows when...But, there are quite a few desperate and lethal chicks out there so don assume that ur always safe just because u are a guy hahahaha...I happen to know of one and she managed to force the guy to start a relationship with her by threatening him that she would suicide....
  13. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    wow now im scared haha
  14. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    what's wrong with giving a thong to your friend. i gave one of my friends a thong before, and it was in gr 11 which is almost around that age group. i bought it as a joke though because i asked her what she wanted and she said underwear as a joke. my real present to her was a friendship bracelet though.

    everthing everybody suggested is a good idea except for a cd, dvd, or clothes. the girl can always dl a cd or dvd...might aswell just give her a link and save yourself the money. and if you not into fashion and dont know her style....she aint wearing it.
  15. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Lol......-pirate you beta becareful then...but getting kidnapped and tied up is a guy's fantasy right :D
    Ihhh nothing is wrong in giving her a thong....i was just kidding saying tat the chick might be mistaken...if ya get wat i mean...Now, if its a original CD or DVD i don think it is that bad then for instance if you know she likes classical songs and buying her a classical CD would show her that you understand her...frenwise..
  16. DaProdigy_718

    DaProdigy_718 Well-Known Member

    music, make something. Like a framed photo that u took. Drawings. Personal things.
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    well... theres a lot wrong with giving a thong to a friend...if it would have been like a serious gift
    I mean i'd give one of my girlfriends a nice thong but i mean its a bit weird if a guy friend of mine would give me a thong... it would kind of... freak me out =/
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Yep! I remember a girl friend of mine gave me a thong for my b-day back in college (it's still tucked sumwhere in my closet drawers... probably got some baby spiders in it)

    I didn't feel weird at all, but if an ordinary guy friend gave it to me, I think he's a creep or a pervert :p
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Hahaha...yeah....i know its just weird...
    and what is even more weird..if a guy would give u a sex toy...omg
    it happened to my friend.....i would chuck it instantly
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    HMMM... I wouldn't chuck the sex toy instantly, maybe chuck that guy friend! -devil