lol thats a bit too asian but its okay angie liking that stuff makes it easier for people to get you something on your bday
Hopefully she don think that you wan to see her in it lar hahahaah after send the wrong signals causing complications kekeeke Nothing is wrong with you, I used to be a big fan but i am just not into it as much as i used to hahah though i am an asian -rolleyes
lol im always sending wrong signals got used to it but my good friends should know im not like that so its okay
Lol.....good luck with it just don end up playing with those suicidal or loony ones that die for love, kidnap for love so on so forth then u r doomed -tongue2
If suddenly u disappeared there are few possibilities: 1) kidnapped and tied up to a chair (betcha like that) 2)being drugged...lover suicidal kinda thing(i cant have him so can others) 3)too troubled by all da heat from da fire Hhahaha
Duhhh obviously i know ur a guy since god knows when...But, there are quite a few desperate and lethal chicks out there so don assume that ur always safe just because u are a guy hahahaha...I happen to know of one and she managed to force the guy to start a relationship with her by threatening him that she would suicide....
what's wrong with giving a thong to your friend. i gave one of my friends a thong before, and it was in gr 11 which is almost around that age group. i bought it as a joke though because i asked her what she wanted and she said underwear as a joke. my real present to her was a friendship bracelet though. everthing everybody suggested is a good idea except for a cd, dvd, or clothes. the girl can always dl a cd or dvd...might aswell just give her a link and save yourself the money. and if you not into fashion and dont know her style....she aint wearing it.
Lol......-pirate you beta becareful then...but getting kidnapped and tied up is a guy's fantasy right Ihhh nothing is wrong in giving her a thong....i was just kidding saying tat the chick might be mistaken...if ya get wat i mean...Now, if its a original CD or DVD i don think it is that bad then for instance if you know she likes classical songs and buying her a classical CD would show her that you understand her...frenwise..
well... theres a lot wrong with giving a thong to a friend...if it would have been like a serious gift I mean i'd give one of my girlfriends a nice thong but i mean its a bit weird if a guy friend of mine would give me a thong... it would kind of... freak me out =/
^Yep! I remember a girl friend of mine gave me a thong for my b-day back in college (it's still tucked sumwhere in my closet drawers... probably got some baby spiders in it) I didn't feel weird at all, but if an ordinary guy friend gave it to me, I think he's a creep or a pervert
Hahaha...yeah....i know its just weird... and what is even more weird..if a guy would give u a sex toy...omg it happened to my friend.....i would chuck it instantly