Whenever she watches sad mv's (S.H.E. - I love you), she wish that was herself. She have officially checked herself into Heartbreak Hotel. Recovering from a breakup (either good or bad) starts by sharing your feelings. But sharing does not guarantee a healed heart. How does a guy cope with the aftermath of a breakup, do they grab a box of tissues just like d girls? Most girls will share their feelings on continuous play just to get over the pain, but is that enough to heal? How did you deal with the breakup of your first love or relationship?
In my past relationships, I was the one who wanted to end them so I didn't feel too bad about it. As many movies and TV series always say, time is the only thing which can make the heart heal. I know for one thing that I won't grab a box of tissues and cry over it. I just listen to music, do my favourite activities, and eat and sleep.
^ good advice. personally, i agree with 無得頂. the main point is "time will heal". therefore to avoid concentrating on the passage of time, one should distract him/herself with other activites. go to the movie, or play games and etc. whenever you think of that other individual. as long as she/you are not thinking heavily on the breakup then one can begin the healing process and pretty soon, you/she will feel that that break-up wasn't that painful and depressing. so, as a good friend. distract her with random jokes, games, invite her to party, or host one yourself. don't sit and float in the waters of depression and "why did he/she break-up with me?" blah blah blah. be active and fun. anyways, my two cents.
hmmm. the first time.... i don't really have any tips... but ummm. i'm not sure if this help you get over him/her, but it kind of helped me. i just listened to our favorite songs and stuff. then i would cry. but i only cried at the first song. just before i went to sleep, i would think about all the things that we did together and then i would start crying. eventually, i couldn't cry anymore and fell asleep. i did that a few times, and then i would eventually stop crying. but the hurt in my heart was still there and every time his name was mentioned or i saw him, my heart would hurt. i mean, i knew that he was kind of a jerk and didn't even give a reason for breaking up. but now, i'm fine. the hurt healed over time and now, once i've stopped hurting, i became good friends with him again. it'll heal over time. and i know that's not the answer that you're looking for... but, just hang out with your friends alot and wait. oh yea. some advice about breaking up. please do it as gently as possible. always give a VALID reason. and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. do NOT ask if you can still be friends. [you'll be friends AFTER the hurt goes away. but not while she/he's hurting. and last, give assurance that it wasn't his/her fault. if you don't they'll be wondering what they did wrong and hurt even more.
same here i usually do the break up thing. i would say to cope with a broken heart is to be with friends who can make u feel better. don't drink cause i had a friend that whenever she got drunk she would cry a lot and think a lot about it.
Nice guy don't finish last!! Nice guy don't finish at All...Best advice is, one person must be hurt in a break up, it better to hurt them instead of you.
Hmmm... Be in the company of friends who'll understand if you need to pour your heart out together with some tears. Take a little chocolate. Be with someone, distract yourself with activity, mainly util time has done the job. It is not a good idea to be alone. Getting someone to give u a hug is great too. Some tenderness and warmth from those you love will keep reminding you that you're not alone and it's not the end of the world. They can also help pick you up when you keel over in heart pain. So... I guess companionship + time is the best.
Go out, date, find something time consuming and fun to do. Well, I agree that nice guys sometimes finish last but you also have to look at the outcome and realize that one, you can still look yourself in the mirror everyday and know that you stuck to your morals and did nothing wrong or two, look at the lost opportunity and find out if what you lost was really a lost. And if all else fails I guess the karma card is in your pocket. Plenty of fish in the sea, guy. Don't let one mess up your morals and turn you into an ass. If anything, just learn from the experience and come out a better person because of it.
keep yourself occupied, so you wont think too much. go out with friends, study, work, outdoor sports. anything that kills time... and let time take its course.
theres two ways to handle depression over a girl.. theres the positive way..play sports hang out with friends and u know something good to keep yourself outta trouble.. then theres.. the NEGATIVE way ALCOHOL ;]
Me arr....i personally havent been in a relationship myself....but if u say crumbled crush than i've experienced that...I think what i did was keep thinking positively....like telling myself that he is not worth it to be feeling depressed and life is too short to sulk too long.....But, i know a bunch of guys, they meet up at one person's place then drink and cry together hahaha....-nocluecould do tat too....
just cry ur guts out during the early stage... then for girls they should hang out with their female friends... go shopping... movies... mahjong... or something... or go to some outings like bbq... fishing... just keep urself busy and u'll heal in no time... as for guys i have no clue... i heard they usually take it out on their next gf...
yeah...lol take it out damn what does he plan to do...Hurt her more to even out his previous pain...Now, thats just stupid....Honestly, get over it why let go the whole forest for one tree...pick another one you might find a rare tree......
^ exactly what pinkapples meant right? It's like taking out other girls because 1 gal is like that. Lots of fishes in the sea man, go fish!