Considered fat by HK standards

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by smallrinilady, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    I don't think weight is a big issue with guys. I see a lot of healthy looking guys (not to mention good looking ones -^_^) around...but most of the girls ~ eps the more fashionable ones are stick thin
  2. tien317

    tien317 Well-Known Member

    haha,,,sad case,,,i feel fat too...
  3. bell3442

    bell3442 Well-Known Member

    i dont see anything wrong when a girl has some meat on their bones!!!!! chinese girls in the states and canada may be perceived as fat to girls in hk is because hk girls seem to be more influenced by the public's image to be skinny... just look at the skinny actresses and singers...they look like they starve themselves...whereas girls in the states and canada are less of a stick figure...they have meat on their bones which gives them more of a shape to their bodies.... in addition, diets are different among cultures....

    but then again this is what i think; not everyone will agree with me.....
  4. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    true they do starve themselves

    mmmm, i like food too much
    HA HA HA
  5. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

  6. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    HK girls are thin.. slim and tiny.. and that goes for everything else. they are flat as! (well generally,, large majority) and being ABC and curvier i do feel fat in hk compare to the sticks.. but damnit at least i got a c cup! rofl. =P
    and even then.. HK guys are slim as! totally no toned ones.well another genralisation =p.. but most are XP
  7. xxbeluberryxx

    xxbeluberryxx Member

    in my opinion.... those HK standards aren't really anything realistic to live by....being skinny and flabby is NOT good....
  8. xbbylovex

    xbbylovex Member

    to me, no one is fat unless they just totally give up on keeping up their bodies i.e. eating a lot of junk, not exercising, etc.
  9. shnukumz81

    shnukumz81 Well-Known Member

    yeah when I went to HK, I felt horrible, like a huge fat monster or something because I couldn't fit into their clothes and a lot of the stores there were one -size-fits-all. When I came back, I felt so good like I was really fit and I looked good.
  10. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    me too!!! i think its not only HK.. its spreading throughout asia!!!
    i love food too much to stop eating... :'(

    they are... the guys.. omg... stick thin.. they make me feel so bad... like i've been piggin to much or something...
    yup.. we shouldnt feel too bad bout our weight.. goodness.. why do we need women.. when their figure;s looks just like men?? front n bak.. FLAT?!?!? lol..

    same goes here... dont feel bad.. i know ur pain more than anything.. i go to place (cheap places for clothes) they write--- FREE SIZE... free my @$$... i could barely breathe in that piece of thingy... n dont talk bout jeans.. omg.. make me wanna just cry.. they r ... -cry2 eheheh
    thats y i love being in a "white" ppl country.. makes u feel a whole lot betta bout urself lol..
  11. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Ihhh...girls is HK are very weight obsessed, i know a few HK girls and they are just the healthy size but they keep saying they are fat and need to go on diet.....I think a lof of HK girls tend to starve themselve rather than lose weight healthily....But, girls that are not stick thin are considered obese or fat in HK.Look at the HK stars a lot of them are too think...-sweat
  12. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    man one times i was there, and their were a pair of boots i really liked
    and i tried to bargin with the guy about it, (before trying them on, to see if i could use not trying them on as a bargin tactic)
    instead you know what he said, "see if you can even fit them before you try to bargin with me"
    he said my legs were too fat for his products!!!!!!!
  13. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    wow... girls have it rough ... maybe cuz asian guys tend to be small, and since most guys don't like girls bigger than them.... equals all this stuff.

    and yea, about them americans (i'm an ABC) we probably do eat too much fast food. And as someone mentioned, it's cheaper or about the same price as eating healthy without the lengthy preparation. As a healthy college male inch'n towards the big 'two oh'... i say this for myself and many others

    "I CAN"T COOK!!" -doh

    BBQ is another story though... but BBQ'n all the time... uggh... gets expensive and lots of other things...

    Lets all go pick up a sport ^_^ any 1 up for some tennis? heh
  14. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    yes...i feel fat in hk as well....and it sucks too -cry2.....

    its like how are the people in HK manage to stay so thin with so much yummy things to eat/snack on around them.....

    but im like just below average in UK......but when i get to hk....without fail i get called.....fai mui jai....::):)(
  15. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    omg.. i would smack that stupid man for u ok.. if it was me.. i would be like.. omg... try it? i m afraid it would look to tacky n cheap for me... i was just fooling with u old man!!! sheesh.. so rude..
    welli know how it is.. well sometimes when i get some clothes.. n u know a usual.. i would get the biggest size they have to offer... n then i would go to the fittingroom.. n the lady would look at it.. n say.. oh dear.. would u like a bigger size for it? n i would be like.. yeah.. i would!! but u dont have anything bigger.. n then she will be like... oh... err.. u still wana try it? how insulthing!!!
    so i perfectly know how u feel!!!

    its so good to be a guy.. u are either slim (girls will like), built (girls definately like) or obese.... but asian guys are seldom obese!

    i know.. its like.. they r bulimics or something.. cos in msia too.. i go to restaurants.. i see the next table girls.. eating like pig.. n they r stick thin!!!
    so unfair.. i mean i would understand if u r like my frens.. starvin urself.. then i know.. oh thats how u got so skinny.. but those piggers!!!
  16. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    exactly....they all so skinny with all them yummy foods besides them....its like how do you do it....i wanna know what the trick is too eat and be thin
  17. jscwan

    jscwan Member

    I have always wonder how they manage to be so skinny with all that yummy food and so cheap too!!!!!!!!!
    oh well I just have to face it.Im fat!!!!!
  18. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    ehhhe ok ok u go find out n then u tell me ok?? ehhehe

    NO!! we r not fat.. we just voluptous!!!
  19. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    21 trying to make me fatter than i already am <_<
  20. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    -unsure-unsurehow ??? i just said,.. u should share ur tips with me only mer.. :'( like that also choh ar?