Have you ever stayed in an unhappy relationship for: 1) the sake of convenience? (because being in a relationship has been such a routine to you, you don't want to get out of it... or for example, if you stay together... and the problem of splitting up means moving out, etc.); AND/OR 2) Fear of being alone again/lonely, after living as a couple for so long?; AND/OR 3) Out of pity/compassion/responsibility for your partner (anything else but love)? Did the relationship work out in the end, or you just ended up prolonging a painful experience?
Have you ever stayed in an unhappy relationship for the sake of convenience? ----no. how are relationships convenient? so much freaking work goes into making it work. Fear of being alone again/lonely, after living as a couple for so long? ---no. Out of pity/compassion/responsibility for your partner (anything else but love)? ---no Did the relationship work out in the end, or you just ended up prolonging a painful experience? ---i've only had two relationships in my life so i pretty much have no experience in any of these questions. the first relationship ended because we both just realized we didn't feel it anymore. i don't think either one of us strung along, it was more of a realization one day.
^Haha, lee-lee, didn't mean to ask separate questions.... those are meant to be one question Just different reasons hehe. Ok.. edited my topic.
^i was thinking that....well, then i guess just eliminate everything i wrote except for the last paragraph.
^okay okay okay, i'll admit it. i'm not the brightest light bulb okay? i'll admit it. (gone to a corner to cry)
yes... kinda.. with my ex... but he cheated on me in the end.. so i guess it was a painful experience.. i stayed in the relationship.. cos of.. afraid being alone after so many yrs... responsibility.. dont know how to break it off... it was just stupid.. a lesson learnt in life... awww -hug hug... dont cry ler..ehehehe brain bullying again ehhee
Huh? i didn't even think of that!! >.< Don't be so sensitive k? Don't accuse me of something I didn't do! If that's what you call 'bullying', you haven't seen the real bullying at all! -evil
well i haven't really had a "bad" relationship. like i don't think i've ever gotten angry or anything, maybe just a little ticked off. but i rkn its important to talk about these stuff with ur gf/bf. and besides, it usually makes for interesting convos!!! -lol
Have you ever stayed in an unhappy relationship for the sake of convenience? Nope not really... but i can imagine why some ppl would... especially if u live together or have kids together Fear of being alone again/lonely, after living as a couple for so long? Nope because i prefer being alone than annoyed by a partner i dont like Out of pity/compassion/responsibility for your partner (anything else but love)? for a few months yes.... it was more like i wanted to give it another shot because i thought the feelings could come back...but then they didnt.... Did the relationship work out in the end, or you just ended up prolonging a painful experience?
lol... i wouldnt wanna see it aye.. -tongue2... brain sometimes scares me.. she sounds like some tai ka cheh of some hak seh wui chap tuen... hehehe
I never stayed in a relationship that i'm not happy with. I think you're selling yourself short and depriving yourself of happiness. I think you owe it to yourself and your partner that if you're not happy, you should let him/her know and try to solve it. If things still doesn't work out then it's time to move on. It's not fair to yourself or your partner and your unhappiness could lead to low job performance, depression, etc.
Have you ever stayed in an unhappy relationship for the sake of convenience? (because being in a relationship has been such a routine to you, you don't want to get out of it... or for example, if you stay together... and the problem of splitting up means moving out, etc.) Nope Or Fear of being alone again/lonely, after living as a couple for so long? Nope Or Out of pity/compassion/responsibility for your partner (anything else but love)? Yes, first and the last time. Did the relationship work out in the end, or you just ended up prolonging a painful experience? Didn't work out, my friend lectured me if I didn't have any feelings toward that person than it's better off to let them go because it wouldn't work out. So just when I decided to tell, I got dumped first because of another chick .wtf <_<?
Ouch!!! Hahaha. Poor gal -hug All I can say is: Once bitten, twice shy! Haha, it's ok then.. I wanted to make things easier for you guys, but if they prefer to answer in that way (people like answering questions, don't they? ) it's fine with me...
no no... just that... u cant really choose one.. hehehe cos all of them might apply... or some of them ehheheh n u cant say yes... yes would be too general too ehhehe long ans... more reading ma ehehe
how do you define that? i mean your unhappy, you stay in it hopeing it will get fixed, but when you had enough, you break it off so everyone at least stay for a bit right?