Yumiko Cheng Exposes her Underpants Yumiko Cheng, who earlier suffered great humiliation from a wardrobe malfunction, wore a one piece dress to promote her manager, Mani Fok’s new book. This time, Yumiko revealed her boxers, that is worn to prevent indecent exposure, when sitting down in front of the media. On the other hand, I Love You Boy’z held an autograph session for their new book and were supported by their colleagues Krusty. Yesterday was also the birthday of Krusty member, Jan, who revealed that her rumoured boyfriend Donald (I Love You Boyz) have given her a dress that was obtained through a coupon. She commented, “He is so cheap, he gave me a dress he got from a coupon. I would love to receive an apartment for my present!” http://ent.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/news/show_n...d=207460&ct=pic Credits to : dee-lush
She did it again!-nono First Nipple slip, now Underpants.-what? What will be next?-what? Yumiko in Eve dress?-whistle That is a bad way to get publicity <_<
uGH.. I almost feel bad for Yumiko.. ever since her last two wardrobe malfunctions, the media has been watching her like a hawk to see if she has anymore wardrobe slip-ups.
there you go ... for those who believed the nipple slip was an accident. too many 'accidents' - pants fall off, nipple slip, underwear flashing. well, at least now, the newspapers are reporting on her. good or bad ... are still publicity. need to get the name out one way or the other.
maybe she did it on purpose ..... her singing isnt good ...... maybe it's a way to get all the attention from the industry ...... it's so cheap!!!!!
she did it purposely to show the media that she did wear something underneath? no more eye candies babe -tongue2