^ I wouldn't call that dates. Lets say 2 people been talking for months and got to know each other, and they finally figure they might have deeper feelings for each other. Decides to be official about going out but something happens and broke up within 3 days. I would call that a relationship.
if i decide to have a relationship with someone... i would never let it end in 3 days ... that's just me... won't give up without a fight
yup yup.. who would... when u've made the decision to go out with that person... u have already put ur leg foward... y suddenly walk backwards??? esp just after 3days?? =.=||
exactly... if i can let something end in just 3 days then this thing isn't important or serious enough for me to classify as a relationship...
well sometimes u can't really do nething... friend likes girl, girl likes friend... friend ask her out, she says yes... friend takes her to meet parents, she's thinking wtf?... o...k... then friend talks bout havin a family, and it's been 2 days?... so girl breaks up with friend on the third day...
shortest- 2 and a half months longest- my current relationship, been a year n still goin strong but there is another guy whom i've loved for many years
Er, I can't even compete. Haha. My shortest was like, a month. Longest was... six months... hahaha. All my relationships are whirlwinds. You can't even tell what happened in the wake of the destruction.
longest= one year nine months shortest= one year nine months ^ same relationship love to say its going strong, but its not =) thought about what babyrain said ---> was it wasted? I'm just wondering, how would you know if it was wasted ><? like, what makes a relationship "wasted" i mean, that relationship was a little over 1/8 of my entire life.. thats a lot to lose, but would that mean its wasted?