其實我覺得你都係講得啱嘅...PA 有好多啲喺外國出世長大嘅中國人 (華僑)...我諗大部分香港人都去晒 feverforum.com 哈哈... PA 多數有 ABC, BBC, CBC, 等等... 我自己都係 ABC. 不過...好似 HKM 話, 亦都有好多啲人細個嗰陣時同佢哋父母由香港移民去外國...
these comments are hilarious especially on the 1st page. i have translation, but i can't type either.
goddesssssss ! all i can see ..above is ....square box ...it's very hard 4 me to find out the soft 4 me learn how to type chinese
^all you need is the asian language pack installed to read go to any chinese website such as http://www.singtao.com/ and IE should ask you if you want to install a language pack, say yes, restart comp and your ready to read
lol, this thread still going?! i cant type chinese on this shitty laptop i have right now!! grr... gonna get new one soon.