The Single People thread

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by MadeinChina, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    HAHAH thats a good one SAD. I think i need to start something like this with my friends.

    being single is good when you want to go out and meet people, just play around, no need for any committment to anyone ;)
  2. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    wow PA's lonely hearts -hug
  3. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    Any girls that likes a 35 year old chubby ugly male, who lives with his mom and does not have a car or money, Please Holla at me.

    -I am not a smoothtalker, but I am a stalker
    -If you holla at me, I will take you out to a fancy irish restaurant called mcdonalds
    -I'm chubby, but that means I have more to love! all 230lbs of loving
    -I'm 5'0 and even though I'm no godzilla size, I do weigh as much as him
    -If you go out with me, I will make sure that I will pay you a gallon tank of gas if you drive here to pick me up since I have no car.
    -well, if for some reason I have no money for you when you get here, take a raincheck please
    -my looks aren't important because I've been known to look like that celebrity, from the drew carey show. the one with the makeups.
    -finally, I would like to say that please go out with me because I need some luving just like the rest of the world, I promise that I don't bite....

  4. Denomic

    Denomic Well-Known Member

    No worries about money
    Don't need to explain why you're home late
    You don't get check up calls when you're out w/ the boys at 2am
    More time to spend doing what you want to do
    Peace & Quiet

    No regular booty call
    No one to waste time shopping for
    Too much Peace & Quiet

    It's not sad being single, it's sad to think being single is a bad thing. Being single isn't as bad as some people make it out to be!!
  5. this thread makes me emo
  6. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    single and enjoying more those phones calls every 2-3 hours checking up on you and a lot of money saved but i do miss some of the mushy stuff that comes with it.....
  7. AnChuChu

    AnChuChu Well-Known Member

    No need to spend money on ur men! -tongue2
    Men are also expensive!!
    I think i've spend more then ... 1000 euro's on my ex... X____x *focking bastard* =P
    But now I'm single... more money to spend on meself! MWHAHHAHA! >>=P
    Single = freedom! Although .. i miss romance and love~ ^^
  8. positives: more time with friends, realize life isn't depended on your relationship, no more wondering where he is, no more feeling like I'm second best, no more being lied to, no more feeling like your a bad person because your jealous,

    most importantly, i realized something: After the breakup, if you pretend to be happy, it will bring to happiness than sulking. I realized I'm not as fragile as before - stronger, having better control of my emotions

    negatives: no one to tell you they love you and want to spend the rest of their lives with you, no more coming home after a bad day and telling yourself "its okay, i still have him", feels so empty inside, have big gaps to fill,

    well, this isn't the positives and negatives of being single, more of... pros and cons after a breakup
    but im sure these negative feelings will go away =) right =)?
  9. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    maybe one of these days... think we needa start planning a SUPER PA party somewhere... darn... if only were all weren't thousands of miles apart >.<
  10. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    That sounds a bit scary to me. Is that what girls like to frequently hear these days?
  11. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    I think its more of a feeling that a lot thing can go wrong, but at least you have someone to be there for you.
  12. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    well ur in sac, im in sf... we're only like 100 miles apart or somethin... haha
    now we just need to find the PAs nearby. =)
  13. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Everyone should come to NY
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    wowww...u make urself sound sooo attractive....not....
    u know to be honest i think its self pity thats gonna kill u...
  15. that's exactly wot i've said before... great minds think alike -bigclap
  16. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    so... are you hitting on me? -cool

    Im kidding, sheesh... you girls are no fun at jokes
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahaha did u babe?
    awww...and havent i told u before...were meant to be <3

    MIC...sorry...its just u seem like such an pessimistic person overall not just this post...
  18. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    baby, you must be sooo into me

    -_- jokes? not self pity...? Im desperate in finding a girl offline, not online. -_- you know the good old stuff they used to say to have fun? -_- girls these days have no sense of humor it seems.
  19. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    ok. you've made me sad... I thought you were my friend... but I was wrong. I'm drunk and depressed and now I'm going to sit in the corner and slit my wrist... I shall repent the sins... oh yes I shall... blood show be poured yes it shall. I am no one yes I am not.... in the end, my life rests in your hand.
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    a girlfriend would be nice lol, but i dont think id have the time... fuken worked 210 hours this month and il be damned if i let some chick take all my hard earned cash from me