The Single People thread

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by MadeinChina, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Aya-chan

    Aya-chan Member

    easiest thing about being single, no headaches, not trying to worry about the other person's thoughts. The main thing for me is that I'm less of a basket case when I'm not in a relationship. Mostly because I'm more worried about the other person's happiness/well-being etc.
  2. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter whether you're single or in a relationship, as long as you're happy in whatever state you're in, that is what counts.
    I guess it's good to experience both before you actually settle down and have a family etc. But if you're not a family person, maybe it's good to stay single if you want to travel around the world etc when you get a bit older. Or even better do it with a partner.
  3. kashigal

    kashigal Well-Known Member

    I created a Club...Single Loner Club for my and my friends. Single can be fun at times, but when it reaches night time...Lonely is the word to describe me ;)
  4. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    LOL yeah at night, i wouldn't mind recieving phone calls from friends once in a while to chat and make me smile hah. But they are all busy with their own relationships. It would suck to be the only single person in your group of friends.
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    yes i would really suck if ud be the only single person in ur gang..especially on dinner parties or when u go clubbing with em....but then when they tell me abt their relationship problems i feel sooo glad i dont have to deal with all the drama
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    both single and being in a relationship has its perks..just pick on ya like and flow with it..
  7. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    being single is cheap, i guess?

    i want a gf though, QUITE DESPERATELY, cause being single is so boring like rather then going out for dinner or lunch w/ your gurl u stay home n eat w/ your family ZZZZZZ-status? yup
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i dont agree to that uryu...

    ur life can be fun when ur single...
    i mean seriously...go out whenever u want and go with anyone u wanna go with
    no need to call ur bf to let him nknow or being afraid that he will worried about u...
    i happen to find my life less boring now that i am single...
    mostly u just have a loooot of fun at the beginning of ur relationship...but after a while...
    everything becomes quite normal....

    no i am not anti just saying...being single can be fun too...=D
  9. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ i agree wid ya angie......

    as knoc already mentioned......being single and being everything else has a good and bad side to everything it just depends on which way ya look at it.....

    yes having a gf/bf will satisfy your loneliness and being loved criterias but loving someone can also bring along a lot of heart ache and stuff as well.....
  10. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    u dont have to eat with your family... it's a helluva lot cheaper though!

    u need some friends to go out with. u stayin home and eatin wit ur family is ur choice...
    u can go eat with some friends, hang out, shoot some pool or what not... and MEET PPL, ie. girls...
    and maybe then you won't be single and perhaps then, you'll wish you were. =)

    i'm getting the hang of the singleness again. it's not so bad, just miss the relationship sometimes. but when i was in the relationship i lost a lot... especially friends. now i'm single and getting in touch with them again and making new friends... i only noticed it after being single.

    BTW PA GIRLS... HE'S "DESPERATE." You girls should give him a shot. ;)
  11. exactly how i feel now. well except for the "can be fun at times" cause i just stepped out of a relationship and need some getting use to. at day time when im talking with my friends, they just, make me want to be happie and positive, but when i hit the bed, i stare at the four walls and just wonder... and every night... those tears come... but in the daytime, im happie, i tell myself i can live without him and single's life isnt' so bad, i don't understand whats happening. any thoughts? i really need a cure for this.

    wow, desperately? it seems like your 80 and have been single all your life XD
    life is a funny thing, some people want a relationship, but it doesn't work out, but when you finally decide that you don't want one, lots come crawling to you

    ^ heard that from a TVB drama XD

    yea. about those. i should stop watching those dramas. its making me thing all guys out there are like the ones on the dramas and those fairy tales will come true. those stories made me so naive and so gulliable. made me believe those promises of "forever" and "i'll never make you sad". I really believed in those promises.
  12. kashigal

    kashigal Well-Known Member

    Sometimes, the best way to cure this is to just let time heal all wounds. I guess this terminology is very common "When you try to forget someone, you will always remember that particular person". The best is to just be preoccupied with work but I'm not telling you to numb yourself with work, just have something to keep you occupied in order to slowly get used without him. After getting used to it, you won't feel that you need him or even cry for him anymore =)
  13. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    nothin wrong with bein single tbf, if anythin is better than bein in a relationship!
    well u can do whatever the hell u want without always havin to consider what ur bf/gf thinks lol
    as selfish as it sounds it is better spesh cause ur gonna have time to go out with mates more
    or if u dont usually do when ur with someone, u finally have the time to

    u can go out & enjoy the sweet life without any commitments & stuff thats in the way
    u always have ur mates if u rly need someone who gives a damn bout ya so =]
  14. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    Nothing wrong with being single. I'd think it's much more relaxing and you could do stuff I want to without having someone bothering you/on your back most of the time. I know some people who aren't single and not so happy about it because of kids/need to tell their significant other what their doing most of the time/etc. I don't feel a need to have someone in your life to be happy. XD Damn I sound so much like a loner. btw, i'm not against relationships or anything.
  15. linderrfulxP

    linderrfulxP Well-Known Member

    I'm having fun being single. =)
    I've been single my whole life. ^_^

    Well, the negative thing about being single is that when you see a couple on the street or just a friend with her boyfriend gets me jealous and want a boyfriend that can love you and hold your hand .. those lovey-dovey stuff you know? XP

    Then again, being single means having freedom and you don't need to worry about spending time with your significant other and just having random fun with your friends. =) Another great thing about being single is that ... you don't have to worry about fighting with a currect partner or whatever. xD
  16. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    ^^ hmm i miss all that lovey dovey stuff...
  17. nunubutt

    nunubutt Well-Known Member

    perks is do watever you wwant whenever you want. downside is....i dont know yet cuz i've been doing what i want whenever i want.