The Last Bloop Thread-Ecko

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, May 5, 2007.

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  1. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^best take it easy in the swift for a while then lol

    lol £1!!! I cant even get on the bus with £1 these days...

    Cant take pics atm cause its parked across the road, but ill snap some up when i get the chance :)
  2. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ you ever try that mega bus that takes you to different places for like a £1....

    yups not quite as swifty just yet.....xP....think you have to clock 1K first before you go whizzing on it ^^
  3. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^i think that mega bus starts from £1, i bet if i wana go up north its gonna cost me bucks.... hey why dont you just drive down here, you got a car :p

    lol thanks for reminding me, ill take it easy now. ah man... no more quick starts at traffic lights no more
  4. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ nah it wont cost ya much..dun be like i said earlier you'll be doing a stead 70-80mph the car will be more economical on long distnat the longer the journey the better right :D boy racer.....rev-ing that engine at traffic lights eh....-lol

    nah i thinks it more of going like 80+ on by passes and motorways and stuff....just keep it steady at 70mph for the time being :)

    you not going out??....or you poor from ya car already :p
  5. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    depends how far up north u live i guess.... -rolleyes :D

    went out last night for someones birthday last night, so taking a break tonight and yeh im pretty much broke, although for some reason the student loan company paid £700 into my account... duno what for, cant be this years loan as uni hasnt even started yet... dont want to use it in case they as for it back...

    What about you?
  6. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ awww not that far up north...only the scottish higlands....hahahaha....j.k
    about mid way up id say...near to leeds :) far south are you???

    i wouldnt complaining gov't given ya £700 spending money...thats right good...i could do with that if ya dont want it :D

    me got case of -sick2 staying at home all weekend >.<
  7. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^ Scottish highlands haha rocking the kilt and haggis -lol

    lol take me 4 hours to drive up to leeds.... I live about 50mins out of central london (if driving)

    lol im not complaining, i just have no idea why its there, and im afraid that ill end up using it then they tell me its a mistake and i have to pay it back...

    Sick eh? Lots of sleep is what i prescribe :D oh and congee haha
  8. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ yeh a good solid 4hours....which is exactly what your car needs...some long distant runs to get the engine running smoothly :)

    50 mins out of central london so you on out-skirts of london?? whats the area called??

    use it all is what i mebe they given you it out of sympathy....becuase you pose such a poor student lifestyle that they given you an extra id love'll be xmas come early drinks on tong tong :D

    as for the congee......rents made me a load of 'bak juk' so blehhhh....but not really had appetite to eat it....

    hey what insurance you go with in the end??.....sorry just curious....
  9. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    it better be well worth it to drive 4 hours!!! god reminds me of getting cramp in my foot while driving, not nice

    i live in an area that is the home of Nestle, which is Croydon :D we have trams ;)

    haha yeh pity money, give me more!!! a drink of rounds eh? doubles it is haha Come to think of it my rents due today minus £350 ...

    bak juk, poor you, just dump a load of soy sauce in their -chef
    even if you aint got appetite you should eat ;)

    BBC1 Jet Li movie, but its dubbed....
  10. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ cramp in ya foor sit to far away from the pedals for ya ickle feet ^^ awww
    croydon...ive been there before....its okies....never knew its home of nestle though...ya mean the coffee right??
    hahahaha......thats the go spend ya hard earned pity money -lol
    hey did ya get ya i-net sorted at ya house?? remember ya saying you had to wait for people at vigin or something...
    blehhh bak plain and dull....

    did ya watch that jet li film then??
  11. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    wasnt sitting in a uncomfortable position, just suddenly got cramp in my feet, not good whilst driving.... ickle feet eh?! better than clown fee i spose -lol

    lol yeh nestle the coffee company, they also do chocolate and a load of other products :p

    yeh got the net sorted out on thursday, took 5 minutes lol, now just got to move the rest of my stuff in :)

    i had congee today with liver and kidney, was good :D

    yeh i did watch it, seen it before though, and the dubbing was horrendous as usual.

    so still sick?
  12. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ tsk not do the cockpit drill eh -nono....hahaha...j.k....hmm so you have got ickle feet eh...what are ya..size 7 :p.....
    nah sometimes when i drive and change gears i get clicky knees >.<...but its like it comes and goes... of coffee and choccie for living in the same town ya get freebies??....can ya smell the coffee flavour from ya house...hmmmm
    so when ya movin officially like into the house...when term starts?? or ya gonna be there for the remaining of the summer??
    ewww......congee with kidney and liver...that already makes me heave -sick2

    a little sickie...but not as bad as friday night and saturday......thinks i got trip to dr's again *sigh*
  13. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    lol cockpit drill, who does that anymore ;) im not size 7, but your close haha

    clicky knees, time to take some cod liver oil :D

    lol i dont think they make the coffee and choccie here, its just their HQ, but no freebies :(

    well ill be moving into my house sometime in the next few weeks, wana move in a few weeks before term starts, so i can settle in.
    What about you? you live at home or own place?

    kidney and liver is niiiiceee :D ill save you some, maybe it will heal your sickness, since the doctors couldnt fix it last time :p
  14. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ everyone does the cockpit drill *ahem* -lol
    hmmm....lets see so not size 7 so its either a size 6 -shock.....or a size 8 :)
    ewww cod liver oil yuckkyy
    booo....just the HQ that sucks then.....mebe you should move near the factories then hahaha ....j.k
    next few weeks so be in the house in like middle of august in that a bit early?? but i guess it depends when ya term starts....
    nah im a live at home cheaper....cant afford to live out....>.<....

    liver nad kidneys nah i dun think so.....whether it heals me or not..i aint eating gross
  15. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    one of your answers is right ;) -clapclap

    lol just get the capsules like seven seas, you dont even have to taste it, just swallow the dam thing, omega3 goodness :D

    Well my term starts beginning of sept... yeh we start well early, something to do with the fact we do our exams early or something. What about you? do you start before or after freshers come, we start before. haha im not a freshie no more :D:D

    Yeh my entire student loan will be going towards rent this year, may actually have to go get a job if i want the luxuries *dread*...
    How long does it take you to get to uni from home, cause i dont think i could travel an hour there and back every day... that would suck big time...

    Liver and kidneys is not gross, well liver gets a bit weird after you chew it, but still...

    just watched 28 weeks later... terrible film...
  16. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ hmmm.....then im a go with size 6 -shock????

    ewww no ways...cod live oil capsules yuckkyy i hate swallowing pills and what nots as it is already....let alone taking additional 'vitamins'......well do you take additional vitamins as well?? eh???

    before the freshers -ohmy.....should you not be starting after the freshers?? it makes sense to let the noobs settle in and then you oldies to come later on.....well i start at end of sept/early october :D ner ner ner ner xP

    hahahaa thats what i looked into as well.....if i was to move out id have to get a part time job as well..but i have trouble balancing my time as it is already let alone fitting in a job as well >.<.....from my house to uni about 30-35 minutes by car.....or mebe 45-50 minutes on public not that far away :)

    yeh but end of the day ya eating organs soo ewwww.....

    28 weeks later.....i was gonna watch that but i wasnt all that keen on the 1st one...28 days was it or something like that....guess that explains ya 'blah' mood then -lol

    i watched the simpsons movie today......-worship
  17. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^ haha well your guess is 50/50, im not gonna say any more :D

    I take some cod liver oil now and again, but i never remember to. Ill prob start taking vits and mins at uni, since my diet will probably go downhill -chef

    we start 2 weeks before freshies, guess we got more to study... might raid freshers fair and get those dam vouchers worth £150 i never got, cause i was too late... haha also might be a freshers angel who helps bring all the freshers stuff into their rooms when they arrive, depends how much they pay -innocent

    you might have a late start but i bet you dont got a huge geodesic ball at your uni eh? haha :p

    eating organs is fine, cows stomach/intestine is nice at dim sum mmmmm.....

    yeh the one before was 28days later, also not a great film... oh well 1hr40mins of my life wasted...

    Oooo Simpsons movie, any good? better than the series or is it like a load of episodes stuck together?
  18. hot damn im so mellow right now
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    maybe u should stop smokin.....:p
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