Be more creative in your titles. Back to the question, if she loses interest, ill try harder but should that fail, bye bye.
My lover loses interest in me? What kind of interest? Sexual? Financial? Or love interest? Anyway, if the poor fellow loses interest in me, then I'll make sure he loses something precious to him... -devil I lose interest in my boy toy(s) all the time, but it is unacceptable if it happens the other way around.
It's not possible. I always dump them (after having wrapped them up in plastic or carpet) before they can dump me.
talk to him first....if the guy has reached this state it's impossible to get his attention as much as before. even if it does attract him it won't be long...i'll say prepare to hook up to another cruise in case the existing one sinks lol....
Hi, There are many ways around this. I guess the first thing is that both parties should sit down to have a discussion and find out at which stage the relationship is now and where its going. There's gotta be some understanding.. People don't just lose interest for nothing or overnight... If there are problems, it should be worked out. Deep down, if the both of them love each other, this kind of matter won't come up. If there is no excitement in the love life, then go plan up something.. discuss this matter with your close friends or go the bookstore to get some ideas on how to boost your relationship and maybe proceed to the next level.. good luck
no interest = no love. changing your personality, clothes, etc. will not save the relationship! long term relationship is mutual, both must work at it not just one trying.
well it actually depends on how much u like the guy/girl, if its alot then give the relationship another go, but if it isnt then let go. I would say taht if ur lover did sumthing bad like cheat, do the same. Give them the taste of their medicine, and show them wat they lost, ie dress beta, go out more etc
try anything to jump start back the relationship. It that doesn't work dump him before he dumps you first.
if she lost interest then there is really not much u can do to bring back life into the relationship try to be more creative i guess by her small gifts try to write her a poem or something