How do I get my girlfriend to start smoking? Any tricks you can tell me? I tried to offer her some, but she won't ever. One time I ask her to close her eyes for a surprise and I put a cigarette in her mouth, but she just coughed it out, damn...I even asked her to hold one because she really looks so hot and then I walk away from her so people think she smoke, but she just throw it on the ground. <_< Any tricks I can use!? I am desperate. This is not a joke. I want her to smoke!
WTH? Are you on crack or something? I'm surprised your gf hasn't already dumped you! What a moron (referring to U!!) *rolls eyes*...
Hey, how do I get you to jump off a roof??? How can you even try to push an addiction on somebody that you supposedly care about???! Think about it, and then please proceed to jump off the roof after you realize what a jerk you are!
HAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG you're such a f*ckface that its funny, GJ dude you made my day... so im going to help you!!! MAYBE you can hotbox an entire room but use cigs instead of weed and then lock your gf in it. After shes addicted she have to start smoking =)... btw if she doesnt dump your ass after you try that then you should consider marrying her LOL good luck
indeed she is..but she is an idiot to be dating a freaking retard like you, anon. you should change your name to anal, which means ASS!
ROFL THIS IS FUNNY. kiddo. u got owned. btw i wanna ask something do u want her 2 smoke so u dont have to pay for ciggies? or what?
I keep having friends that tell me they are trying to quit the habit, not support it. This guys' a real catch! hahaha.
If that stubborn gf of yours won't start smoking, I say you dump her and find one that will! Make sure she smokes at least a pack a day, that way, she's less likely to quit on you =P
girls are sexy WHEN THEY DON'T SMOKE ......... Girl smoke looks hella ugly dont push anyone to do, wat they dont want to do