Sushi chef cutting live fish oyogu hone video We previously posted about sushi restaurants that do iki zukuri 生き作り (the preparation of sashimi from a live fish/shrimp/octopus) and showed a video clip of a very skilled chef who cuts sashimi pieces using the oyogu hone (swimming bones) technique without seemingly any negative effect to the live fish! Here is a another video clip from Japanese TV showing a fish swimming around showing its bones. [youtube]uaqBWaTjXqY[/youtube][youtube]V3_-tMS3zEY[/youtube]
lol.. exactly wat im thinking.. will the meat grow back? that will be like super self sustainable sashimi.. but guess they do that jus for the freshness. but really wonder how they do it.. doesnt seem to hav any bleeding
Eh, great skills but don't let those extreme animal activists see these vids! They are already crying if you drink milk...-unsure
woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the fact its so amazing, i wonder how come ive never seen this before or even heard of it. i dont fink much ppl in jap know about it too, looking at the guy in the vid.. maybe its new found technique?
damn foos got skill, not sure the fish would appreciate it though lols...basically eating parts of him while he's alive.......
chances of the fish staying alive for much longer after that are slim... it would probably get infected and die in a matter of days
wow. just simply amazing. i dunno if i would wanna see that right before i eat my sushi. it would be a bit unnerving to see the fish stare at me as i eat it... *shudder*
despite this being an old thread, i have not seen this... not to be a peta bitch and all, but.... isn't that fucken.... animal cruelty? the fucking thing lives