Could you guys tell if someone had sex on that day or going too? I have a cousin where she always go out with this dude and comes home about 12 to 1ish midnight, my mind is not in the gutter haha but I have a feeling that she did do something with that dude...
Lol, how can one tell if someone had sex or going to have? Coming home late doesnt necessarily means sex. -tongue2
welp it can be hanging out only but then i know many ppl that just hang out and dont do anything so ... its not all that impossible that no sex is involved ......ans. to ur question is nope unless they really over do it cause if they overdo it the girl's legs is either shaky or she looks like she is in pain
i don't know if you can tell if she's going to have sex. i'm sure all guys would like to know the signs; that way it's easier to just hit on those girls with those signs in the club!
depends... some people, you can tell by the way they look and act, usually different from normal others, it's not noticeable at all
i think sumtimes u can tell. when ppl have a little grin on their face and u say "u just had sex huh..." and they just smile a little harder.
yeah but if they act way u can tell... unless their clothes are teared apart and theres lipstick smeared all over their bodies/face but thats unlikely ?
Lol....honestly she is ur cousin not ur sister so its her life and she cud have sex if she wan to. And, do you have ne feelings for her....if not why are u so curious -blush But, if she does not come home then you should worry, she is still coming home so there is about 65% chance she havent done nething yet.
even if she did...its her body...=/ she can do whatever she likes, where ever she likes and WHENever she likes.....
lol... sneak in lil questions like what ah_wong suggested go like "so how was the sex last night" lol
hahahahahahah vietboy so curious about EVERYTHING........y don't u go out with a girl at 12am and see wat happens