to do you get involved with fighting

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    I have two friends who just broke up after 3 years, and were living together

    the girl doesn't have many friends, and when she was thinking about breaking up and they were fighting
    she came to talk to me about everything

    I am also super close to the guy and i know he doesn't really talk about his feelings
    not cause he doesn't want to, but he doesn't want to bother people with his emotions
    therefore his you just nudge a little he caves

    I kept talking to them both
    and they both even asked me to take care of the other one after they break up

    while through this
    all our other friends kept teling me to butt out of their business
    not to get involved and junk

    everyone said this, am i wrong to allow myself to get involved

    i dunno i realized i am different
    this isn't a high school drama lovely dovely relationship
    this was a real deal
    people are hurt
    i am not taking sides
    when they keep asking me what i think, what to think
    i dont know what the right answer is, nor to i want to accidently give out the wrong one, or later on be blamed for saying the wrong stuff
    but i dont stay quiet
    instead i spill out EVERY fact, both good and bad, from both sides, let them know the WHOLE picture
    cause at that moment of emotional instability, everything is about them, but they need to know they aren't the only ones hurt

    anyways, just wondering if other people are as brave as me?
    or other people think i'm a total idiot and wouldn't touch these issues with a ten foot pole
  2. Aznguy123

    Aznguy123 Well-Known Member

    when people break up they find people to talk to i guess your the lucky one haha

    yeah most people would say "they dont want to get involved"

    i would just listen and give little comments.... not telling them what to do
    "the girl doesn't have many friends" is she those shit talkers
  3. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest staying out of their problem as much as possible.
  4. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    I'd try to help comfort them if they were my friends. When stuff like this happens, people get upset and are very emotional and they need someone to talk to. I think you're doing a good thing and besides maybe u can nudge them back together with the talking from both sides.
  5. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    no, she's one of those whose whole world is wrapped around her bf
  6. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    staying out of it for some time
  7. depends... if a fd is fighting n she want to talk to me i would always listen even if she calls me up 3 o'clock in the morning... but one think important is i don't advice... that way wot ever happens is their choice... they can't come back n blame me for it 10 yrs later... besides... women don't like taking advises anyway... they just want support n sympathy