I don't see the labels ...It's kinda stressing to see how much calories you are eating =X ... which means..I can't even eat the food I like if i stick to the labels =X
hahaha. Sometimes I do that and sometimes I do. If i'm craving for chocolate or something that looks really good. I would just buy it and eat it. haha
Wow...You actually have the calories label?I don't even take a look...I think it's too much of a stress when you start having cravings...and you see the calories intake =X
i think its so dumb when people do this, its like restricting yourself from enjoying life. id rather eat whatever and just exercise it off or somthin.
That's not true. I exercise 5/6 days a week. Just because one exercises doesn't mean they can eat whatever they want.
I can't see myself going on a low carb diet. I got to have spaghetti and potatoes in my diet but I can do fine without breads and rice.
forget about counting calories or fat, just enjoy ourselves... when my clothes don't fit me, I'll just get new ones.
I eat whatever and I don't look at labels or watch calories. Why restrict ourself from eating whatever we like? we already have other things to worry about and eating should be natural.
i count the calories, because i recognize that many foods are very fat. you can eat favourite food but if it has many calories you should it not much from it. too many calories = fat = unhealthy = unhappy