young love never last agree or disagree?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by kuromixd, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. kuromixd

    kuromixd Member

    my friend once in school told me that young love could never last i disagreed with her what are your opinions?;)
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i disagree too...
    first of all...never say never...
    second...depends on person....
    i mean...there are heaps of ppl who marry their first/highschool love....
    ok maybe not as many as the ppl who dont... but there is a chance that it could be
  3. bionca88

    bionca88 Well-Known Member

    I would say, in this generation, the majority never last.
    Talking about that, recently I attended a school reunion, to my surprised those who married in their early early years (bleow 25) 95 % of them are divorce. No joke.
  4. hahahaha... but how long ago r we talking abt??

    ionno... these days i kinda doubt any love lasts :p ... but that's just me... i'm sure u understand me Angie... -flow
  5. lseepang

    lseepang New Member

    out of 100...101 will not success
  6. adorable_sky_dazzling

    adorable_sky_dazzling Active Member

    i agree it...u know y?
    so young..manything they not yet try out.although they say they will not change but who know in future?
    i have many fren all failed to continue their relationship.

    most of the reason:
    guy feel like have more burden to support the relation or to support a family
    girl feel like guy not really murture to take care of her instead of the family.
    both of them will feel like they stil have many chances to get a better partner.
    their charactor wil nvr change to suit the other.
    once the arguement come, they start quarrel n after day by day..
    they will burst like balloon..
    so fail....
  7. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    i disagree...u never know
  8. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i agree

    young love may stay in your heart forever, but leading to marriage, i've seen it happen, and it failed for 90% of the times i have seen it
    so well
    there is that 10%
    so maybe?
  9. adorable_sky_dazzling

    adorable_sky_dazzling Active Member

    ya we nvr know...but the fact shown!!!!
  10. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Yea the facts shows that some do work out and they get marry.
  11. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    i'll have to disagree ... have a few friends that married at their early 20s and still going on strong. And I have friends that married at late late 20s and got divorced. i think it depends on the couple.
  12. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahahaha but dawnyyy! :p
    hehehe just kiddin' yeah i know what u were saying...we were talking about it all evening....hehehhe
  13. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    never say never...

    but most don't last... my opinion based on my experience and others around me.

    i think most don't last because they would realize that they been with the same person for a long time, and that they only have one life and might want to live it and do something different.

    isnt this just the opposite of the other post "can first love last forever?"
  14. mQ123

    mQ123 Member

    young love.... hehe, like elementary school age?? cause.... that's usually when i see it start now. but yeah, it doesn't last that long cause we're all trying to test things out when we're young. but mine lasted a year when i dated back in gr. 8. but we wouldn't relaly know what 'love' is when we're young...
  15. RiddlerX

    RiddlerX Well-Known Member

    Everyone is so pro-choice now. Everyone is talking about choosing again if they made a bad choice or made a mistake. noone believes in LOVE FOREVER. Those that do believe in forever, obviously have not been hurt.

    I WONT last!
  16. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    why do people think that once you get married you'll stay with the person forever?
    Anything could change, and a lot of the times there are divorces. I know parents who have kids who are married or near that age still getting divorce because they can't cope or they argue too much.

    Anyways young love can last, but thats like really rare. Anything can happen really.
    Anyways OP, why didn't you post in anikings thread, its pretty much the same topic.
  17. ftann

    ftann Well-Known Member

    i think it depends more on your level of maturity rather than by how young you are or age. I can definitely say that I'm not as mature 5 years ago as I am now. So there are things that happened that I wish I could have handled a little better.

    Even though the odds are against you when you're young, because I seriously doubt ppl have reached their full maturity at such a young age, but young love lasting does happen. My parent's friends started dating when they were 13 and now they're happily married and in their 50s. So if you work hard tgt and if you're lucky, you just might be one of those couples that lasts. -smileb
  18. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    most of them wouldn't last...I have a friend who is still with her boyfriend since sec school...they attended different colleges and universities...and yet they are still together.. but arguments have come in their way so often...I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed for their marriage though...

    I would say young love will not last but it will stay in your heart forever even if you've broken up..
  19. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    29 there really a valid answer to this..
  20. RiddlerX

    RiddlerX Well-Known Member

    No...but we are all just expressing our hopes and dreams