The Angora Rabbit The Dumbo Octopus The Axolotl The Alpaca The Bloblfish The Lumpfish The Komondor Dog The Proboscis Monkey The Star Nosed Mole The White Faced Saki Monkey The Red Panda The Coconut Crab The Hagfish lol we studied these things in my uni bio class, they are fugly ass muthafuggas [via ] FEARLESS SUPER AWESOME UPDATE Giant Isopod Purple Frog BarrelEye Fish Red Crab Orbweaver Yeti Crab Giant Rockfish Blue Dragon Nudibranch Chinese Giant Salamander Geoduck Slender Loris Camel Spider
axolotl is cool used to have quite a few except they all died >< they'd try to eat the fish food, then just spit it back out =/ and then aim to eat the fish in the fish tank >< but its soo cool how look to defy gravity heehe
hey this is cute lol...why wont we have it as a pet... their smiley face can light up our blustery days!
lol the red panda's my favorite. btw i can't even tell that dog was a dog in its second picture. O-o its like someone thew the end of a mop and took a picture of it flying in mid-air. the rabbit looks like an overweight cat the fishes are all hella fugly >.<