There will always be 1 person that you will always love.

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by RiddlerX, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. adorable_sky_dazzling

    adorable_sky_dazzling Active Member

    or mayb she hurt u the most...
    or she was ur 1st love..
    that y mayb u will thought is the 1 u love the most.
    tis is because...the more harder to gain, the more u wil cherish..
  2. yumdedumjenn

    yumdedumjenn Well-Known Member

    there was one guy in my life that i would have done anything for him. i really cared about him and once loved him. but now i've realized that my boyfriend is treating me so much better den that guy has ever have and it made me value more. so yes u can love someone from the past but once u meet that special someone, its going to be bye bye =D
  3. lyhoa05

    lyhoa05 Member

    yes, mya be there will many girls around U, but I think only one's that U love....
  4. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    lol i meant its natural as in u do care for dat person even tho u no longer with them lol.
    it's, sorry my way of saying things is a little unclear haha.
  5. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    to me there's different kinds of love. i mean you can have a "i love you. you're such a great friend" (even for the opposite sex) or a "i love you. marry me!" and so maybe the thing you look about you ex is her character. it doesn't necessarily mean you're not over her but there are some people who you just get to know so well and will always love them regardless of.. anything that might get in the way. i used to have this great friendship with a guy but we (now) don't really (hardly) talk anymore but i still remember what made him such a good friend and that's what i like about him. i don't know if i'd call it love (in my case) but perhaps it's just friendly love?
  6. Tsuioku

    Tsuioku Active Member

    I understand your past feelings completely...
    Going through the exact same thing you did two years ago right now... Drinking... School... Attitude... Admiring Pictures... Reminiscing at places we've been to or things we've done... Changing my faults... Even dreaming about her in my sleep (kinda freaky eh?)... Hopefully my future will also be successful... Still trying to pick myself back up...
    Haven't met someone new yet so I can't say I'll always love her... One thing for sure though is that she will always hold an important place in my heart...
    At this moment... I definitely still miss her and if the opportunity arises, I will definitely try to get back with her... unless she gets married first...
    #26 Tsuioku, Aug 13, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2007
  7. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Wow...u got it bad....
  8. RiddlerX

    RiddlerX Well-Known Member

    I guess I agree with you on being numb...cuz at times I wonder if I have feelings anymore also...

    However, I know...or at least I think I know...that I love my current gf right now.
  9. RiddlerX

    RiddlerX Well-Known Member

    ....umm...myabe she was the 1st girl that I in..she and I helped me discover what love is. It is a loaded sentence what I just said. "she and I helped me discover what love is" as in she helped me found out what love is and only I gained it.

    It wasnt all that hard to gain the relationship with her. But I cant deny that what happened after the break up makes it so much harder to let go.
  10. RiddlerX

    RiddlerX Well-Known Member

    Sad part is...I treated her like A princess. I did EVERYTHING for her. Like literally everything.

    But people tell me...good guys finish last...maybe it is because I did so much..that I get hurt.
  11. RiddlerX

    RiddlerX Well-Known Member

    Ive been exactly where you have been. I remember the first week after the break up, I went on days without sleep. My world seems to swirl (and it literally did) as I try to grasp what had happened. I could nto eat for there is this urge inside of me to just yell and scream and kick. I would look at our pictures on my computer and I could not hold back the tears. Places we have been and visited was like hell, a hell or memmories that kept peircing at my soul and more. Every corner was loaded with pain. I would have dreams about her...about us being together only to wake up and discover that it is all my imagination.

    That was before...

    Now...yes I still dream about her once in a while. I still look at her pictures if I have this urge to...but I do not cry anymore. I use to cry so much, my eyes were messed.

    I completely understand how you feel buddy, and I hope you will get better soon. In this part of the journey it is about discovering and finding your true self. If anything, through all the drinking and the changes, you have already discocvered that you have lost yourself. Now, it is about finding your true self. One that is really you, things that you like and things that you dont. I hope that during this process, you will find that very special someone.

    As to your urge and willingness to be with her again...I completely understand. If anyone were to ask me do I want to be with her again if I have the oppurunity, I would say YES. I have changed so much, my ability to speak, act, think and articulate have changed all so much. I feel so as I am a differnt person with 100% imporvement on the past that I can make everything work. HOWEVER, please note that even I said "I can make everythign work." In a relationship, it takes two people. There is a reason why the relationship before did not work. If you and your ex ( much like how me and my ex) were to get back together, do you think the same problem will exist? Most definetly. If anything, history will repeat itself.

    Stay strong buddy.
  12. Tsuioku

    Tsuioku Active Member

    The hell.. the torture... the similarities of our endeavours are amazing...

    My circumstances were a bit different as the main reason we broke up was due to LD... which makes it all the harder... My friends say it's difficult due to lack of proper closure... As I evolve to fix my past mistakes... I just tend to think it will be so much better when we get back together again... making the pit deeper...
    Recent failures pushed my grad date back... Now did I finally realize if I really do want to get back with her, I need to grad first... However, it's not a good idea to use her as my motivation since if she were to get married, I may plummet once again... Or how my friends like to put it... It's a good thing you two had other problems... take this time to find someone that was everything she was... and more... but MINUS the problems... lol.. I feel that's extremely unlikely but never say never right?
  13. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    not always love cause relationships come and go but you will can love someone for a long period of time
  14. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    Even I broke up with my exes... I do still care about them... They're still special to me... They'll always have a part of my little hart... hihi ^^
  15. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    haha thats cute :] at least they can feel assured that they were someone special to you
  16. Aznguy123

    Aznguy123 Well-Known Member


    so you dont hate any of them?? still talk to them? what if a person lied and played you so bad that you cant even look at your parents in the eye anymore? will you still care?
  17. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    lol i dont think she will, but you still can ahah
  18. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    hahaha of course not...
    but if some1 that does something like that to you...
    how could (s)he be special to you rite?!
    so... thats not the same...
    i was just talking about my exes :p
    and yeahh...
    im still friends with them...
    even my bf knows them :p
  19. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    wonder if he feels jealous o_O
  20. Aznguy123

    Aznguy123 Well-Known Member

    "lol i dont think she will, but you still can ahah"

    lol i slap my self when she walk pass me or she try to talk to me.... lol probaly at the end ill just forget everything like i always do and become firneds again... alot of my friends hate me for that. they did something that almsot got me killed and in the end i forget them haha xD