lol, just saying it like it is. don't want to hurt the guy's ego either haha.... lol, and you find his taste and choice of clothes attractive? Personally, I feel guys should be clean, well groomed, and have decent fitting clothes. All that baggy and gangsta stuff makes them look like clowns. But hey, more power to those who dare to walk in public like that.
if ther'es too much of a cultural difference then it's too hard!!! so Asians for me plus, i seriously think that Asian girls are the best looking in the world. YOU GO GIRLS!!!
@resent hahaha u say they scary ar.... @ribs Whats worse are asians/white ppl who dress like they do...wuahahahaha
you need to check out some blondes dude..... cool. different strokes for different folks I guess. I respect that. hahahahhaha, I remember some of my asian classmates dressing like that back in junior high. I laughed my ass off everytime I saw them. They would be constantly tugging at their pants trying to keep it up lol. Good luck finding a woman who'll let you put that in her ! hahahahaha ex bf used to wear baggy jeans....its quite cute as long as its not too baggy u know @fearless im a girl... ....and no i do not wanna see it... but just wanna let u know i stopped believing in fairytales a long long time ago
hmmm....nothing wrong with guys wearing jeans that are a bit baggy as long as they dont drop down to his knees while walking lol... guys who wear a bit of skater style are quite hot actually...