What ethnic would you date?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by yumdedumjenn, Aug 13, 2007.


What ethnic would you date?

  1. Hispanic

  2. Asian

  3. African American

  4. Caucasian (White)

  5. Other

  1. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    I'm referring to the guys who wear a size 38 waist pair of jeans when their waist is only 30. Skater look is ok, looks comfortable. Reminds me of the Timberlate look.
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i never dated those...but id probably tell him to go shoppin with me so i can pimp him up lol
  3. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    hahaha, lol. So what's the deal with women wanting to play dress up with their man? Are all women like that?
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Its just fun to pick out stuff for them... and the guys like it too...
    most of them ask me to go shopping with them actually...

    even guys who are not my bf...i guess its because they can impress other women if they dress stylish
    I do reckon thats lotsa guys who are styled by women are better dressed lol
  5. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    i personally prefer asian girls(koreans and japanese), hispanics and eurasians.

    i could never date a black person...its too weird. :$
  6. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    I think people can date whoever they want... but I prefer asians... especially chinese... just because it's easier to understand eachother (culture, language etc)
  7. meimei917

    meimei917 New Member

    I really don't know if culture can really play that huge of a role in who you date. I mean if you think about it the core essence of most cultures are very similar, such as respecting your elders and having similar morals. I understand it is easier to be with someone who speaks the same language but at the end of the day I find that limiting yourself can cause you to miss out on too much.
  8. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    lol, my wife is like that too, always wanting to dress me up. Sometimes I let her, but most of the time I like to pick my own garb lol.
  9. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    I don't think the poster means that. For example, if you have a black boyfriend and start talking to him about your favorite chinese TV series, he won't know what the heck you're talking about. Or if you bring him back home, he wouldn't know your customs and may insult or offend your family (eg taking shoes off in the house, different table manners for Chinese dinners, etc...)
  10. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    I like all kinds of different flavours for my ice cream :)

    oh and yeah why limit yourself to a particular race or culture. There are nice people in all different cultures, but i guess if people prefer someone who they can talk tvb stuff with then yeah i understand where they are coming from.

    And i don't really like how some non asians would ONLY target asians, thats just stupid. I don't have a problem if they go out with an asian, but when they only go for asians, i don't know, it just seems so shallow.
  11. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Or how about when an Asian ONLY dates NON asians....that's even more retarded, imo
  12. champ91

    champ91 Well-Known Member

    #52 champ91, Aug 14, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    probably not black girls, but i wouldn't mind someone like cassie or christina millan lols,very comfortable talking to them though............and probably not girls who are way too strong in their religious beliefs or girls who are too conservative at everything... otherwise i have pretty simplistic tastes lol
  14. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    you have to be realistic in your choices and DRAW the LINE.

    If a white and asian date, i dont seem to give a damn.

    If a black and asian date then i'll be like "wat are you thinking?" Its because asia and africa never had some sort of relationship in terms of country in the early ages. Only europe and asia. Besides, the asian culture has a very rich background and what does the africans or likewise even the blacks have? (I'll await your answer).

    Besides, if an asian and a black was to make a child, the child doesnt even look asian, and as far as i know the child shuns the asian culture and looks towards the blacks. First hand experience. Not only that they're really rude and annoying.

    Eurasians are different, im dating one now and she looks up to the chinese culture alot whilst simultaneously embrace the french one as well.
  15. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    Yeah that too...though i don't really know any asians who go for non asians only. But i know many that are the other way around.
  16. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    well it's not really fair to say blacks have no culture when their african ancestry was pretty much taken away from them during the age of slavery. during the early stages of slavery, blacks had a fairly good idea of who they were as a collective cultural identity (e.g. tribal kingdoms, nomadic peoples), and as another poster pointed out, the culture was probably similar in the respect that people would respect elders, and so forth. however, when you are being enslaved by another race, chances are that your masters aren't going to let you practice your culture, let alone pass it down to subsequent generations.

    in the late 1800s, while other cultures (e.g. white, brown, asian, whatever) had been developing their culture over at least 1000 years, blacks had just been liberated from slavery; unfortunately for the blacks, they had no real "culture" to go back to. by the time slavery was abolished, black families had been in the u.s. - as slaves - for generations. after slavery, they had lost their cultural identity as a result of white masters taking away the privilege of practicing and spreading the culture. consequently, there wasn't a single cultural template for blacks to reflect themselves upon - they didn't have set customs, set mannerisms, set belief systems, etc. most of that was due to rich caucasians caring more about blacks working on plantations rather than bothering to even respect their culture.

    so what ended up happening was that blacks established their own moral systems from scratch. as a personal theory, this is why many blacks, especially non-religious ones (by non-religious, I mean ones that don't adhere to a mainstream religion e.g. islam or christianity), are involved with crime and prostitution (rap videos anyone?)

    as for an asian/black mixed kid shunning the culture, I actually know two guys who are asian/black mixes and they're as fine with their parental heritages as would an asian/any other race mix. as much as I respect people mixing and matching races - call me a racist - but I, for one, frown upon the idea of mixes because in my opinion, it ruins the racial purity (yeah, yeah, let's bring on those hitler jokes, har har) of my race. I really would prefer if my future mate were entirely chinese so I don't have to re-introduce my culture or my language. which also means that I wouldn't date a korean, japanese, or a (non-chinese) southeast asian even if you held a gun to my head.
  17. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    Seriously saying its alright to date other people but black/africans is pretty much racist. Who cares what race they are, if 2 people like each other then thats all that matters. Who are you to say "what are you thinking", it's their business. And trying to say black and asian shouldn't date because Asia doesn't have any history with Africa in the early ages? whats that got to do with relationships?

    If a mixed child only maintains connection with one side of his/hers race or culture, that just reflects on how they were brought up or the way their parents brought them up.
  18. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Hmm interesting analyse.

    Well is your idea from the top of your head or is it supported by facts?

    And besides the africans still retain their culture but not to be offensive, it doesnt appeal to my taste (at all). I watched a reality tv where a family of australians were sent to africa and live amongst them and their culture? Well...it is a patriarchal society where women have to crawl on their knees when their husband calls them.

    And besides if the african culture is hip hop, why do they talk about "hoes", "pimpin", drugs, violence and "rapping" about how each rappers out do each other in terms of their violent background. Like for example, saying how many times they got shot or arrested.

    Besides, there are some africans now in Australia, and as far as i know it is a liberated country and ive seen them go to church and practice there culture there with african dancing and singing. But in society, their mannerisms are appalling. From all the experiences i encountered with an african, it has always been on the bad side. No i didnt get into a fight its just that they're rude. I havent met a single nice one.

    But if you can say to me that asians and whites are rude too, i agree but in my opinion it is not as much compared to my experiences so far.

    That is why i find african and asian mixes weird. I mean the asian culture imo in aspect that, it is not about "pimping", exploiting women and etc. It is the exact opposite of the african culture (and their hip hop), and hence i just find it weird.

    btw hong kong was taken over by the british, but did the poms forbid the chinese to practice their culture? chinese new year anyone?
    #58 Kachi_no_Kemuri, Aug 14, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2007
  19. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    im not saying they cant but look from this perspective, history has been written in stone. There wasnt any formal relations between asia and africa but europe. Over time it has became the norm of western and asians to have a relationship.

    Now is history willing to change between whites and asians? Society is more fragmented now and people still look back on the global history's society norms values because it is what makes us to accept certain limits and values. But if you are thinking is history changing? Well the answer is would be "trying to" but people still look back on yesterday..maybe is because we depend on it?

    if an african and an asian date, im not saying they cant (they can do whatever the hell they like), it just doesnt seem right to me.

    Well one eurasian girl i know who chinese and english is brought up by her mum and brought her up with the chinese culture but she still rejects it. Her dad...well, her mum and dad is divorced. So really i dont think that clause is 100% accurate.

    Call me a racist or whatever, but thats my opinion and im sticking by to it. im not here to flame you or anyone but merely pointing my opinions out.
    #59 Kachi_no_Kemuri, Aug 14, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2007
  20. yumdedumjenn

    yumdedumjenn Well-Known Member

    which is y you would never bring them home to meet your family LOL you flee with them to another state. ahahahaha but at least you both get to learn from each other which in my opinion is the best.