what did you learn about your ex after the break up

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    people react differently to people depending on many factors
    one including the relationship between you two

    i was talking to my ex last night about new relationships (yes me and half of my ex's still talk)
    and i was talking about (from experiances) i want all my relationships to start off as friendships first
    cause you can learn stuff about a person as a friend, that you wouldn't learn about them being their partner
    same thing goes for a partner, there are of course a ton of things you will learn about your partner that you would have never learned about them just being their friend no matter how close you are

    well after reading the threadrelations between you and your ex another thing sparked up

    Lots of people are suprised by the actions of their ex right out of a break up.
    What have you learned about your Ex that you would have never imagined that he/she would be like prior to the break up
  2. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    i learned that i should of stayed with one of them. should of put more into the relationship
  3. NOLEE

    NOLEE Member

    -not to listen to third partys no matter how good of friends they are
    -always talk about what's on your mind
    -do not act on impulse

    he should've learned to not act on what he hears before talking to me. >=/
  4. anakemas

    anakemas Member

    still love her...she still the best...still the one..but too bad..no more...sigh...
  5. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member


    Yeah... but you got to let her go.
  6. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Nothing for me. I am always careful when choosing a girlfriend.
  7. stilish

    stilish Well-Known Member

    i learned that there shouldn't have been a relationship in the first place
  8. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    ^ i agree on that one....should not gone out wth her and realized that she is money hungry and only really cared about herself over anything else
  9. stilish

    stilish Well-Known Member

    i see...similar experience, but my wasn't money hungry, just cared only about herself
  10. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    there was a relationship that i really should have done alot more to prevent the break up i just left it as it was because i was thinking that its okay not like without her i would die its not that big of a deal etc etc... but apparently i made a big mistake doing that i really didnt know what i was doing but then now all i can do is just keep the memory i once had with her... and there is nothing else i can do i learned one really big thing from her is .....it was my loss that we broke up.
  11. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    hmm, most people aren't actually responding the way i meant

    i mean have you ever had a

    well watching the way your ex responses to the break up
    like maybe they got together with someone really fast
    than you realize that wow, maybe that person didn't really like me, but i was just passing person

    or watched how angry one got, and you realized how violent or tempermental a person was

    or what my ex said about me
    after the horrible things he had done, and a year later i was his friend again
    and now while he he going through some rough times i am there for him
    he said he was amazed that i could still be friends with him after all he had done
    that now he realizes that although i can be very scary when i am tempermental
    over all i am a very forgiving person (which he didnt think about before)

    or one of my high school bfs
    i really liked him
    but after we split up
    and i was no longer in that lovely dovely oh my bf is perfect mode
    i watched his reactions
    and realized
    "wow, he's kinda selffish"
    always makes the girls do what HE wants, eats what HE wants, cares about what HE wants
  12. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    oh u mean personality wise ... yes one of my exs became a slut ......
  13. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    now the question i pose to you

    did she become?
    or was she alway, but you just didn't realize?
  14. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    those relationships suck just as much...in my opinion
  15. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    wat i realized about my ex after we broke up? --> that he was an ass and not worthy of my time at all and how i could have been so dumb to fall for such an ass.
    but answering what smallrinilady wants for an answer, i guess the main thing would be: how he was just something that was totally far off from what i thought he was. does that make any sense? he just was not the person i thought he was. not saying he was made of pure evil or anything (i know i sound like it it the first sentence, i was just kidding), but i mean in personality, morals and beliefs. just not like anything that i thought he would be.
  16. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    What have you learned about your Ex that you would have never imagined that he/she would be like prior to the break up?
    don't care to learn anything about them. it's none of my business and i don't want to be nosy.

    what i realized about my ex after we broke up?
    women are evil, well, some of my exes anyways.
  17. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    ^ damn u musta had a hella exp with ur exes if ALL woman are evil.......ur exes i meant
  18. xstarBURST

    xstarBURST Well-Known Member

    I learned that im jealous that he has an actual relationship with his mom and i don't...and i can't start one now.
    Which was part of the reason why we broke up, i always teased him about being a momma's boy
  19. Espresso Bunny

    Espresso Bunny Well-Known Member

    it is hard to explain because everyones relationship is different on many levels.

    but i am disappointed how i was never respected in such ways. i honestly felt i was never respected in my own wishes. now that person has casted me aside and put on new shoes and tries to act fake for the sake of others.

    i use to be a fool and be there as an option, but now i say, im not going to be your option if i'm ur last option.
  20. lidool.tk

    lidool.tk Active Member

    after my ex and i broke up.. all i've ever got from him was disappointment.. =/ yet, im slowly getting his respect..