should we have a poll on who's gonna die? i guess either loreen higher possibility...knoc's planning to hunt down wind if wind turns...loreen would either be killed by the poison of desire or die protecting wind... What i like best about the story is the randomness and it's'll never know what happens next..
Have I overlooked something? BR= 'Ctodk'? '(what does it stands for?) I know BR is now disguised as a you blond man, but she seems to know CNB and vice versa?
OK, my fault! I misread it... -blush Thought that the blond man (Ctodk) introduced himself as 'name is BR...' so this mysterious 'Ctodk' is an informant of CNB? -sweat
LOL, Cortez and a Valerie with wings, talons and beaks! -lol And I thought that mermaids (or creatures like that) are always pretty looking but you gave it your own twist o it
well i feel sorry for me:( i marryed a harpy and a mean one at but i can see a little bit of me in there and i get to go see the evil twins but they did make fun of me a few chapters before so who know they might just have me show up and kill me i see me in a cell with dann poking me with a stick making fun of well it looks like wind is working hard to have himself wanting to go looking for the vampire at night i bet dan will put some bad stuff in his tub after he's gone with mdd. then he comes back and gets in it and he drops anyway as always another great chapter!!! keep up the great work baby
hehehe. still waiting for that death of a someone keep the story comin! and (i'm really just wondering) how come it's "sundawn" instead of "sunrise"?
Chapter 13 updated... Comments? Hehe just another word i have come across before... didn't want to use the common words.
-rotfl Best chapter so far! Lol, how the men subtle shuffle towards MDD because they don't have much faith in Wind the western priest! (that bit reminds me of R-Point in which the soldiers also prefered one lieutenant above the other) And Ani King the 7th...applause for that slight but creative name change! -clapclap I can easily imagine that this vampire isn't a usual vampire but one that loves to satisfy his lust on his victims -men or women- before he bites them. Poor Taco. So I guess everyone with a goofy name like Taco and Dufus won't life long? -sweat
lol nobody wants to folow wind until they are made to thats and the names are funny as well but i enjoyed it i sure buba will be geting winds teeth in him next anybody with names like that you know won't last maybe mdd might save wind from geting his first kill can't wait to see keep up the great work baby!
BabyRain, your story is great! But what scares me is .. how do you know me so well?! =P “Here ya go! Tasteless rice. Forgive me, my cooking is that awful!” said Anchuchu in a flat tone. ~~~>> sooo me! X__x hahaha i also would have said: would you like to cook your food by yourself next time? so i can get a break because i don't want you to eat tasteless rice~~ Keep the good work BRain!!!
Totally WORD. Randomness is key in this story (methink) Brilliant as usual. Love the Aniking7 usage Can't wait to see whose the upcoming new character in line -devil Keep it coming -hug PS> I think I should be meaner, instead of the manipulating kind of evil , just because!
Ch13 is excellent. There's finally an actual vampire in the story. I hope there will be more fighting between the undead and the masters.
aww. i don't really want wind to die. but seeing as you said someone is going to do. -shock lol. can't wait for the next chapter! and that word is too big for me: prestidigitation. something to do with prestige? haha. i don't know. just guessing. showing off your difficult vocabulary eh? haha. i like the story. who will be killing wind? hmm.. or will someone else die? what happened to dann? and lopez?
Wonderful, so dann is actually doing some homework while hitting on Loreen -devil Good job! It's full of anticipation to the next chapter, hope both of us will be in it -tongue2
The mix of western and eastern vampire aspects are great. For some reason, I don't think Wind will be the one who will die.
I've got the feeling this chapter is a sort of intro chapter for the next, probably more bloody and astonishing chapter!