Your statement is quite contradictory in itself. You respect all religion, yet you will hate god if he/ she/ it exist?!? Quite a number of religions are based on a deity just so you know...
Why you think Christ may come back this year. I haven't heard about it... At first sight it may seem frightening, but in the end it's a releave. You put all your worries in his hand and all will come to a good end with his guidance! As long as you are happy with your situation you can stick to it. But some day you will realise how it can brightens your life! Your right in your way! Gods love is indeed great, but some people just don't feel it yet! Yes I am a Christian. Sorry of my ignorance of only thinking of mine God!
nicnic, omg i typed a nice answer to your question and somehow my browser went back a page and i lost it all so im not typing it all again. here is a brief version. Jesus may return ths year, he may not, only God knows but we should keep a look out for him as the bible says. those who are not prepared will not make it in the rapture imo, they will have to live through the tribulation and remain faithful to God, which aint gona be easy. if he doesnt come this year then give thanks that he has given us and the lost more time. as for you not hearing about it, its not gona be on the news or on billboards, the bible tells us what to watch out for and the signs, stay close to Jesus, study the word daily, pray daily (as im sure u do) and stay close to you friends that are truly close to Jesus..
I understand what you are saying, cuz i am a Christian also. I am happy to hear that you have found relief and refuge in His abondant love and grace.
sorry im not christian or anything but im glad to hear that you are opening your heart up to religion
Atheist/Atheistic Buddhist (I don't believe in a god, woohoo!!!!!!) Since this is a new thread I have to post mine to to keep things a bit in balance. I'm an Atheist/semi Buddhist with a hint of Confucianist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maybe you're an Agnostic? Or maybe you prefer the Haitian Voodoo/Vodou? If you don't believe in a god you're either an Atheist or an Agnostic (and Buddhism doesn't have a god btw) But then you say you even have no reason to believe in you believe in your parents? or maybe you believe in the constitutional laws? If not, you're probably a Nihilist. >>> Source
nihilist? quite similar to me but i don't reject god. it's just i don't know if he/she/it does exist and if someday, i'm sure about his existance, then i will surely hate him/her/it. about vodou, surely it's not. (oo... so Buddhisms don't have gods)
i respect every kind of religions, really do. (even satanist or bla bla bla, it's people's own rights) but i hate god if it really does exist. i don't think respect and hate have similar meaning tho....
Cignalc... You seem quite beat up about urself man... I could understand y u wud be hating God if circumstances in your life are bad.. but your life must be pretty bad for you to hate everything in this way,,, wish i cud help ^_^
i always think that if god do exist, then this world is just like a movie. and he/she/it's the director and script writter. then we, life being or death being are just playing in the role he's made for us. and i think my life's really bad. but i know there are lots of worse life out there. i'm not complaining at anything. it's just.... i don't understand.
Well i mean whats so bad about ur life now anyways? dnt say everything cuz thts too vague... jst specifically wats making life so shitty fer ya?
there are too much to write about this life. if i want to write all the bitterness i've been thru, it's just too much. but these days the pressure is just getting heavy n heavier. my mom said something about revenge for my dad who was killed about 15 years ago. (u know, it's meaningless) and now i'm so damn far from my mom (i don't live with her). my bro got prob with his business too (i know it's very common for those who run some business) but the case is very different and it's absolutely helpless (i don't want to specific this) i mean this is just my pressure now. and there were lots more before this. i guess you can't figure it out this damn life i've been thru (i think it's more that u can think of) easy way is just to die (i think), but really, there are still something i have to do, and right now it's not done yet. hopefully it'll be over soon. again, i know there are lots n lots more bitterness life out there. but i think mine is not a better one.