if someone did something wrong to you do you forgive? and even if you forgive, do you ever let them forget? what is your limit? what is the worst thing that someone has done to you but you have still been able to forgive that person for?
cant remember all bad things through life but i always forgive, im one of those people who get mad on the day then by the next day when ive slept on it i dont hold a grudge any more. forgiving is one thing but still considering the person a friend is another matter.
Are you a Scorpio cause they usually are very vindictive. I'm a Scorpio but I usually forgive and forget, but sometimes things just stick with me forever.
different question for you then is there anything you are still mad about ok even if you dont hold grudges, maybe your not mad at someone but is there someone you decided you dont want to push yourself to talk to to go find you wont mind if they talk to you, but your not going to make the first move
iu mean if i fell out with someone, if that happened then it would prolly stay that way but if i saw the person i would be polite and say hello/goodbye but the line would be drawn there i think. BUT nothing that bad has ever happened to me, im very careful with the friends i pick, if i see you for the 1st time and u act like a moron then ill not bother and we will remain on a hello/how are you/ ok bye, kind of thing. Maybe in the future ill see, hopefully not though
do you live in a box??? or maybe you just dont hang out with the same group of friends all the time cause what i see, within a group of friends always deveops drama especially if any of them are dating one another
I forgive and forget (generally the same day if not the same week) at least up to date. No point in holding grudges and make yourself angry. Maybe my limit is when ppl badmouth or hurt my family, then i will do anything to make them pay back, otherwise, im pretty easy going.
nobody ever did anything unforgivable to me i guess =/ so i dont know... but some did unforgettable things to me =D muahaha jk
i forgive and forget. well i still remember but i never hold grudges. if i get mad at someone, a few minutes later i feel bad and then i get over it. the worst thing someone has done to me would probably have been in 7th grade when my group of friends all turned against me and told me they didn't want to be my friends anymore because they were all following the "leader" of the group. i just started hanging out with another group of friends and now i'm friends with everyone again. actually this happened in elementary school too, but i've never held a grudge
Yeah it depends, if i do have a fall out with my friend then usually the next time i see them its all back to normal. But if its a situation where it involves relationships and emotions then that would be a different story.
yeah well they did it. i think their exact words were "we don't want to hang out with you anymore" or "we don't want you hanging out with us anymore" one of those ... i guess that's how immature we were
Depends on how large the screw up and how deep the hole they dug themselves..... case by case situation though.
i forgive n forget... my ex didnt, i did somethin wrong and she brought it up over n over again for 2 yrs until i told her i didn't want to hear it again, was ready to end the relationship because i dint want this held over me for the rest of my life... and i never heard it again. but we broke up neway at 5 yrs...