haha apparantly I dont live in a box lol. Im like the total opposite of living in a box, im going out at least once a week, but not always with the same people though. But I can get along with everybody, never had any serious problems and stuff...
I don't think anyone doesn't truly forgive. Because if you don't forgive someone, you're basically holding a lifelong grudge against that person. Forgetting is another thing and I think some of you are getting both definitions mixed up a bit. IMO, I forgive, but I don't forget (despite my bad memory). If someone does something wrong and you just forget it, he/she will most likely take advantage of that.
I used to be petty, but after all the stuff that happened, I became nonchalant about everything. I just don't care about lots of stuff anymore.
some things u can forgive n forget... but somethings u can forgive but mustn't forget... otherwise u'll fall right back into the same trap again... i forget too easily... forgetting makes me happy... but getting hurt again n again from the same thing just isn't wise
To be honest, the more I am around those who are horoscope sensitive, the more I grow INTO my Scorpio stereotype. Just because I can get away with being the meanest and pettiest in the room. I wouldn't expect anything less -tongue2
You are not vindictive yet you don't forgive nor forget... So what do you actually DO in remembering the wrongs?
I would bet, extremely so at that. -tongue2 BUT! That term "uncomfortable" is somehow translated to "vindictive" on the babelfish... Correct me if I am wrong... -whistle
..i leave the term "uncomfortable" open to what ever particular scenario i'm involved in with that person...