hehe i never leave my house without my lip balm (Burts bees ftw) i even keep my little vasiline tin. i see u and angie are being naughty ehh, -noclue cold sores are NASTY, someone i know got it BAD and we all know how she got it but are playing dumb to avoid the embarrassment.
i used to use vaselinee......but then heard how unhygenic they were...now stick to my trusty nivea one
really?? wot's wring with vasiline?? i sometimes exfoliate my lips with it...!! hmmmmm... i hope so... coz i've seen some of the pics of cold sore in my text book n it looks NASTY
Hey is that a hint for dawn that u wanna make out with her? and how come u forget to mention Brown bear???
@dawn: yuck...he not even hot...i dont even want him to watch...>_< @bb:whatever brown bear...u seemed very very interested b4... dont come and play hard to get with us...u know it wont work because u want it too bad
Hahaha....but i DO like curry...i just dont like curry guy... he came home sunday night :( so yeah i guess we will just have to do it in my room