So are they already in 2007? Cuz when Will was jogging up that street... there was an NBA Live 07 ad in the background ?
Nice find. I didn't notice that one. One thing is that the grasp of time in the show is hard to get so I don't think anyone can say exactly what year it is. But we know that the tech bubble burst so it's about 2000-2001 for sure. Also, you notice that Raymond is using a slider phone which to me seems a little too futuristic still. Below is a screenshot of it. Can anyone identify what model that is?
lol.. doubt its a product placement.. unless HK is that slow with videogames. NBA Live 08 should be coming out in about a month or so in north america. but yea.. if its already 2007, then thats pretty damn fast consider just a few episodes ago they were talkin about the tech bubble
uggh obviously.. they made so much mistakes. same w/ the harbor. that guy who tricked the steel hand over flip. he was driving a near 05 + accord
meh... whaterever we've been through this once wit the lexus suv situation in the other topic... nothing ever seems rite... NBA 07 live poster was out... that means its summer 06 since the games come out 4 months or so b4 the actual year ne ways and they dont keep posters up that long after like less that a month since the game is out those thing r all gone... so it doesnt matter when nba 08 comes out this show was filmed last year meaning 06 of course u'll hav an 07 poster up unless they recently filmed it now and then u can saw hk is slow wit games... but uh... think about it logially
very true Ray. But what i was getting at is it this isnt product placement. EA sports would not want to advertise/sell a 07 game in this series knowing that fact well in advance that a 07 game would be out of date by the time this thing is aired...
Thanks! That's what I initially thought, but the photo there does not show an LG logo so I was doubting myself.
most of u are retards. why the fukc would nba live 2007 take down the ad? for what reason? i mean they pay for it, obviously they would want it to be displayed as long as ever. but AS they were FILMING this, this isn't a short 20 chapter series, but a LONG ONE. so they might not have the time to edit and adjust. most of u are dumb, the purpose isn't to discuss the mistakes, but to pickup the little things and make it notice. sheesh...
its all about marketing....they want more coverage for the phone...because celebs use it... they arent using it to fit in with the
^it's not cheap production and mistakes are bound to happen. what you can do about it though is become a producer and make mistake-free movies or you can march over there and help them.