Now that Wind's got a hug from bbear, he can die a happy man -tongue2 It isn't THAT far away... not as far as joining the Facebook or MySpaceNazi -^_^
I thought I gave you one way back when... perhaps the post's lost in the vast space called the internet, who knows. But here: -hug Hee hee, so 3k isn't as far as you think it is. Add oil brother -flow I may hire a hitman to take you down then since you can die a happy man -devil
I can die a happy man as of this moment. Send the hitman now before i start school!!! Of course ham sup jai is taam sum *chuckles wickedly* -bigsmile
aint ya captain obvious....the knoc doesn't roll with the hugs n top a da morning to ya bb.
First of what??? Knoc stating the obvious? I thought he makes a habit of doing that, albeit with his cryptic passages... Or maybe a hug??? -devil
I put your highness over the mere existence of English grammar and the first thing you do is to point out the obvious... Way to go Knoc. And I thought you are not bound by such trivial thing as English grammar, guess I thought wrong. My bad -rolleyes
This is one of the silliest thing you've said on PA, since things usually go pretty much the way I expect them to be... Example: Knoc will take extra notice of my English grammar, and in turn, my mistake(s). You can be so predictable sometimes... So disappointing.