Warcraft Frozen Throne

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by vinzcent, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. vinzcent

    vinzcent Well-Known Member

    i need help i got no idea when i play dota my pc so laggg even though i got 1.5 gb RAM is a bit lagg any one what is the problem...
  2. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    u gotta give us more info... we're gonna need more specs on ur computer, ur connection rate and check if u have any programs running in the background... it could just be that ur trying to connect to a host who's too far away ex. some malaysians play on the US west servers and complain about lagging when playing with US hosts...
  3. vinzcent

    vinzcent Well-Known Member

    MS Windows XP SP2
    Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3GHz,
    1.5GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce 6200 LE
    Memory Size 512 MB

    I play Dota vs Computer still a bit lagging even though i upgrade from 512 MB to 1.5GB RAM compared to previous is much more better now,
    But yet a bit lagg when i play a little longer. I had try Install AVG Anti-Virus & Spyware Terminator well it manage to detect Virus too bad i cant update
    My Anti-Virus cause i dont have a internet line at home. Planning to apply soon but need to settle a few problem 1st. This definityly my main priotity
    Well i have try to defrag my PC, install a EasyCleaner program to clean out the registry files to make it run smoother, well nothing change ... : (
    Infact there still one method i havent try yet, but i believe it will work, that was Delete my Warcraft program and install again, bad news come my CD was with
    my fren his went Back to hometown already : (
  4. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    You might need to port forward.
  5. turn all the graphics off, if it still lags then follow 'The_jelly' advice.
  6. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    its not a port forwarding issue... u don't lagg from lacking port forwarding... u'd just not be able to connect... and he's having issues playing against the computer...

    lower the resolution that's about the best advice i have for you cuz the 6200LE's pretty low on the tier... even so, it shouldn't be having much of a problem running war3...
  7. vinzcent

    vinzcent Well-Known Member

    u mean my graphic card too low... currently my resolution was set to 1024... u suggest me to low it..
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    yeah... set the resolution to 800x600 and see if that helps...
  9. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    ^ yeah you should, unless you want to like get a new video card xD
  10. i had no problem frozen throne on my old pc which was a 1.4 gig 256 ram geforce mx 64 megs. Ran no problem on medium settings there should be no way ur pc can't play it with that specs the game was made in 2002!

    You probably need to format ur pc
  11. zoidman

    zoidman Member

    yea it shouldn't be a port forwarding issue as ur likely playing offline since u stated u didn't have internet connnection. Ur comp sounds like it should be more than capable of running warcraft 3 so my guess is u have a virus thats draining ur comp resources
  12. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    definately a problem there....
    u could try reinstalling the game.... shouldn't need more that 2ghz and 512ram to run smoothly..
  13. sillumjay

    sillumjay Well-Known Member

    hmmm could it be the graphics card??? o.0 but look at those specs the game should run smoothly... cos my computer isnt at that level and WC works fine o.0
  14. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    Its ok if you don't know how to portforward. There are plenty of sites out there that show you how. If not, follow angs advice and just reformat.
  15. soldier244

    soldier244 Well-Known Member

    it might be your graphics card seeing its pretty old
  16. liquidzyklon

    liquidzyklon Well-Known Member

    The graphics is not old. It's just integrated which is weak, but still should be suffice to run Warcraft since it's an old game.
  17. don

    don ello

    are you playing on battlenet and it lags? if you are then it might be your internet provider
  18. Kid

    Kid Well-Known Member

    well the first thing is, he doesnt have internet at home so it should be an issue of port forwarding because that is just to tune up(via router/bridge modem) ur internet downloading speed.

    I'm playing dota with without any lag(offline)
    my pc specs
    p4 1.6ghz
    512mb ram
    geforce mx 64mb (medium settings)

    My point of view is
    1) update graphic card driver
    2) download the latest frozen throne patch.

    I think this will help u to solve the problem as i encounter this before.
  19. zzzzzz

    zzzzzz Member

    i guess you just need to set ur video everything to low.
    last time i running 256ram having problem with lagg during the 5.84b vers that time
    but now after i set my resolution to the lowest and graphic seems suck' but no lag..
    ZzZzZzZzZz upgrade ram to 1.5gb wouldn't help because war3.exe only uses 250mb ram max.

    i bet its ur video setting problem.
  20. vinzcent

    vinzcent Well-Known Member

    i already set to 800X600 is feel much smoother now.. one jore thing if i copy a Warcraft Progrem from other PC to my will it works kindly advice pls..