I agree too....I know someone hav long distance relationship. Although they havent marry yet but they've been out for 3yrs. I live far from my bf....not long distance..but still take 1 n half hr to travel down to my city....see him once in one or 2 weeks :(
What I meant was, he don't need to fly back and forth when he can have the girl fly back and forth..........
haha....1,5 hour isnt that far....my ex bf lived 2,5 hours we saw eachother every week...sometimes even 2 times a week >.< haha but thats the same thing man...$$$
I say end the LD - it never works out at the end. Trust me on this - I had been in two LD relationships, and both of them ended due to....IT NEVER WORKS OUT. Sorry, but it's the truth from someone with experience.
well....just because it didnt work out for u doesnt mean it can work out for anyone at all... and i kid u not....this is true... i went out with some colleagues and someone brought a friend a long which i dont really know...and got into a convo with that girl... she had a long distance relationship with her husband before they got married for 2 years... they met each other in japan....he was on holidays and they got introduced to each other and fell in love he lived in aussie and she lived in japan....they met eachother once a year.... and guess what their married now...! she moved to australia for him! she said it was quite hard but she has been married to him for 2 years now... isnt that sweet? Im not saying i could do it..because i dont think i could....but i've met ppl who really can...
Thats too much of a generalization of a LD relationship. A lot of people had LD relationship and it worked out for them. Just because you can't deal witha LD relationship doesn't mean other people can't deal with it. Never say never.
Well I think is kinda over, Is so hard for me to move on...Isn't it funny how time goes so slow during these days.. Any advice on how to get over this?
^ Typical advice: do things to occupy your mind and body. Intense workout, hang out with friends, engage in your favorite hobby....
sorry to hear that..!!! goodluck! Yep... agreed.... have a chat with ur friends about it...cry if u want to and when ur done with that do stuff! instead of sitting at home feeling miserable....=/ dont be a bitch....
My girlfriend and I are a good example of sucess. We were in a LD relationship for over a year. We met on an overseas holiday, romance sparked and we stayed in touch after it. We didn't expect anything else to happen from it during the time but it turn out to be something greater. All the people around us gave us negative advice (so basically nobody believed in us) They just automatically assumed that we couldn't do it simply because they couldn't themselves. haha We definitely proved them wrong. I flew back and forth a few times and ended being closer and we both made efforts beyond imaginable. It was hard to begin with there's no denying that but we just held on and we kept believing in each other. The reality is that all relationships are hard regardless, good people are really hard to find these days. Finally I decided to move overseas to be with her permanently. We are not married yet but we are planning to. Advice: People should not get into a LD relationship if they are weak or lack the will to make ends meet. I really believe that when 2 people really want to be together they will do whatever it takes to get there.
well same thing happend i recently jus moved.im jus going to stay strong im going to vist on holidays how old ru? im going to wait till im 18..and move bak
Good for you! A year or 2 apart would be ok I suppose but as long as both peple are determined to make ends meet. I suppose when people are too young they may not be ready for the big moves yet but It depends on the people and we can't say its impossible. Long or short distance, people would still have to consider how much they love each other and what they are willing to do for each other, if not at present then in the future.
i know so many people who go through this whether its for school or what not. i'm not an expert or anything but i say look out for what each of you guys want. if one person isn't going to pull through in a relationship it probably won't work.