So technically one pays around 50% less than the Teacher and Student Edition and get more functionalities...
I couldn't find it on NOR But here's the "OFFICIAL" website for this Ultimate steal thing... Look ridiculously like Google's prank "Gmail paper"
Just tried clicking on the "grab it now" but nothing's working...If it's 100% legit and authentic, gonna buy a copy right away.
I got this site when I clicky'd "grab it now" then this I am quite happy with my Office XP so it will be a while before I need this...
Check again! Coz it obviously works on my browser (FF) even with AdBlock and NoScript on... So it SHOULD work.
Europe to get Iphone Engadget Article: More to add: "The rumors are true: iPhone exclusively on T-Mobile Germany starting November 9th just like in the UK. The 8GB model will go for €399 (including V.A.T and 2-year T-Mobile tariff) and will be sold through Telekom Shops of Deutsche Telekom and the T-Mobile web shop. Yes, you still get access to the WiFi iTunes Store, Visual Voicemail, and, for better or worse, EDGE data. In fact, "by the end of 2007," T-Mobile will be the only provider in Germany to offer EDGE throughout its GSM network. Whoopee. Sorry, no mention of unlimited data or free WiFi hotspots but we'll update you as soon as we know." Courtesy of Edgadget. Article:
^ yesh the ipohone will soon land in UK woot woot too bad ya gotta sign up to a 2year contract with carphonewarehouse...
^ yesh its with o2.... but the big phone company that sells most phones is called carphonewarehouse... if ya know what i mean....
Vista SP1 to Beta Testers: Source:
Demonoid Shut Down by the CRIA?! More here: