hahaha...ur the one who said the girl ur TALKING to...and i knew that was a bit too hard to believe....
>.< u slow ha? hahaha u said "the girl ur talking to u bought blablabla" and i found it hard to believe shes just a girl u talk to lor...
ahhh.... well like i said its more than that. we also care about each other too..... it just doesn't seem rite for me to ask her out cause of my work schedule. i'm at work and she is sleeping. shes at work and i'm sleeping. she even bartends on saturday also. so only one day to be together.... i don't think its fair
hmmm...oh well...i dont know...maybe u guys dont like each other enough =/...once a week should be ok for a relationship i think...?
Lol....oh well...if u both ok with it...then no problem.... i wouldnt feel single if i'd have a friend with benefit thing going on =/
i still feel singel cause i don't ge the chance to talk to her much anymore. only sumtimes cause when i wake up for work i hop in the shower and then drive off. if i'm lucky to be eairly for work i'll give her a call
maybe..... but i was thinking what to get her for her bday this year. what u think about a digital frame and a photo printer??? cause i forgot to say that i also got her a digy cam
omg? u seriously sound more like a sugar daddy now... why dont u just get her a rose this year and see how she reacts haha if she doesnt want to talk to u anymore u know enough