How can cheaters convince themselves that cheating can HELP with a relationship? Unless of course, it's the premature demise of the relationship they are talking about... <_<
I guess infidelity can help the relationship by making the cheater decides its time to end the previous relationship and move on? -unsure
LOL, the concept of "cheating" is just beyond those 15% of the sample... They just don't know what's cheating -lol
HIRING A PROSTITUTE YES - 84.55% NO - 15.45% Omg....this is kinda hard to believe... • 59% of unmarried men in committed relationships have cheated on a girlfriend. Thats....great.....really...i wonder what the figures are of women who cheat now.... I guess they'd say... "it wasnt cheating because i dont have feelings for her....its pure for sex only. ur the one i truly love" and thats when this happens -nono-nono-nono-nono-censored-censored-censored-bash-bash-bash-bash-bash-noclue-noclue-noclue-noclue-noclue-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-shoot-shoot
hahaha....thats what cheaters deserve -pirate nah...just kidding....but im sure i will find a way to get back at vilence included....just make him suffer mentally....and as always revenge will be sweet....
If they apologize but still continue doing it, so no violent treatment eh? You will tell them: "You cant date me anymore?"
No i was more thinking of something like this...tell him:"lets P.D.A" and then undress him in public...tie him up on a tree...take pics of him (send it to all his friends)and call the cops so he gets arrested naked or something?
@wind: were you searching for a naked-man-in-a-forest's picture? -huh so what happened to the 8% not included? they sort of kind of cheated or something?
Unrepenting is quite the same as unapologetic, apologies are not limited to verbal apology... It's also the action which speaks louder than words. They didn't get married? -sweat
Wise Hiake has spoken. To say the least you are supposed to be evil and yet has a strong sense of ethics and morality. Guess evil is not what it used to be -lol
i thought those particular statistics were only derived from the married because it says "The percentage of married men.." so i thought the latter was also referring to married men?
Oh, there's evil and there's EVIL. And dishonesty happen to belong to the former group. I was mistaken from the original stat... I guess there are people who is "unwilling to answer" perhaps?