A bit late this article but it shows that the general conception of men as sex driven or money oriented is not always the case. However, this study might not be so conclusive since they only performed it on a small amount of people.
I think rather than saying men are more willing to sacrifice for a romantic relationship, they are more clingy to their relationship relative to their female counterparts (who get moral support and enough social interaction from their same-gendered friends)
Is it really that hard for you ladies to think that there might be a chance that we're just as capable of caring as any other human being?
Sorry to break it to you, but it is quite difficult to believe that the chance is anything but slim to non-existent.
-unsure Well I have faith that my male comrades will prove you wrong -sweat *waits for someone to back him up*
Well, I am sure guys who are in fact insensitive and uncaring, on the other hand, would not be very forecoming... And I am glad that NAS and khaotic are nice, caring, sensitive guys -^_^
i would rather have money than romance, because by having money, i have romance, because some girls like rich men. rich men are able to provide romantic scenarios for women. i am therefore part of the minority.
Damn, you PIMP... Now you are a living example contrary to what i was hoping to show the ladies that guys are good deep down inside.
i know what u mean dawn... especially over here in sydney....most guys ive met are only after one thing...and i think its sex...and if ur lucky they give u some romance with that too...but overall they just want sex...=/
i mean... sex is awesome but still, guys need more than that relationship wise. being in love is a great feeling... even for guys. that's when nothing else matter except for the girl they're with. don't get me wrong here... go to work, go home, have hot sex, go to sleep, that's a pretty good life right there. well of course eating is involved... haha but i believe hot sex involves passion and love. which is a hundred times than just having sex for the sake of it.