but doesn't the definition of "highly attractive people" differ from person to person so this study is a bit subjective?
From what i've notice there are certain features the great majority of people will consider attractive Rather than one perfect feature that everyone wants you tend to have a certain range of features that are considered very attractive in the vast majority of people This is how plastic surgery works - when you walk they give you a catalogue of pictures which are considered attractive to majority of people Logically, if you think about it certain features have to be considered attractive by a lot of people or movie stars etc wouldn't be so popular among so many people 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' - may be true to an extent - but that doesn't mean you can't be beautiful in the eyes of a lot of people
i tot wat was interesting was the finding that men worry abt other men being more dominant/ humourous than them.. so men dun jus look at gals.. they watch out for other guys too.. haha
the phrase: "It may be helpful to try to minimize our exposure to these images that have probably been 'doctored,'" Maner said. "We should pay attention to all of the regular-looking people out in the world so that we have an appropriate standard of physical beauty. This is important because too much attention to ultra-attractive people can damage self-esteem as well as satisfaction with a current romantic partner." this is quite true, it can damage one self-esteem ...
you have a point there but what if people are only "good-looking" because of their fame, wealth, status or skill?
Law Of Attraction that reminds me of Newtons Law xD "opposites attract while similars repel" its like boy attracts girl or vice versa. but i dont know what went wrong to the magnets that attract their own kind.. =/ nothing wrong with it though. just stating something about science here =)