@BabyRain: T is making everyone sick and extremely irritable. The same can be said of every major city in the world during the first few weeks of class... SIGH. I think I need a B12 shot.
Nah, that area's already getting cold (it's 4 hours+ drive north of T). Plus, no holiday/vacation to go >.<
sidetracking from convo and back to topic, somebody (i was not skimming, i read everything but i don't want to click the back button and find the quote) mentioned homeschooling their kids. i say, just send em to private school haha.
Wanna know my answer keep a pocket knife capable of slicing human muscles and when terrorists attack get them like a ninja, hide, and when they walk by slice their thighs, wrists, then give them a nice kick in the head when they're on the ground and take their gun and disarm and destroy it completely. Lol, too much anime.