oh shit.... i could actually go without internet for a week... that happened when i went to czech-austria-hungary-bratislava tour... it felt good going away from internet.. internet or sex? i think its obvious.
unless this article was written by someone that was biased and wasn't gettin any on a regular basis..
or like the dl section where new members cant enter the dl section....there should be a ssection where underage ppl cant enter?
ok how about some I.D proof then? in order to enter it u must turn on ur webcam and put ur ID next to ya face?
lol...if one would do that to enter a adult section...it would b pretty sad....and doing that for ur lil bro/sis... even worse
the internet is essential, id be completely fuked for most school assignments without it.... i dunno how kids 20 years ago used to handle it.. they must have been significantly smarter