So I dumped my bf a couple of months back but then I found myself frequently thinking about him during those couple of months. And now...he is like stuck in my head!!! What would you do in such a situation. -boat
Hmmm...u better think about it before u take any action....if ur planning to.... i mean....u didnt leave him for no reason i guess? are u just lonely/bored? or do u really want to be with him because u miss him?
how long were you guys together? you might just be lonely like angie said, or you're too used to having someone
we were together for like 4 yrs or so. But he was so unexciting (in case any of you are very dirty minded) i finally pulled the plug. And in a sense timing was never right!!! But it's like undeniable attraction. Life sucks.
well...u find him unexciting and if u think thats not good enough...uve made the right decision...why u want him back? ur just in a phase where u dont wanna be alone and miss someone to do stuff with (not sex or whatever ppl might think) i assume u did a lot of thinking before you broke up with the just stick to ur decision.... its always tempting to go back to ur ex...but unless ur 100% sure what ur feeling dont run back to him because ur having a "weak moment"
theres a reason u broke up with him. i think ur thinking bout him cause u miss the feeling of someone being there with u. i say go out and find another guy. if u do get back with him, don't regret it. everytime i dumped a girl, there are times i think about them and ask myself why. i never regreted it. i never went back with them either.
You need to explore your inner feelings to see the reason why you miss him. Is it simply bc all your friends have bfs, and that you are alone? Or is it you are truly missing him for whatever other qualities he has?
hmm i can imagine you as my ex and say F*K u.. haha jokin.. have u been dating other guys? if u have... then maybe u can't find someone else like him. if not, then maybe ur lonely like they said and u should go talk to some guys. im also curious, how was ur ex like when u broke up with him...
another possibility is liking him just for the sake of liking romantically somebody. but if (like what angie said) you feel confident in your decision then stick with it. you'll eventually get over it. humans are emotional beings. it's hard to just abruptly stop having feelings you've been having for.. 4 years you said right?
it's normal to miss someone after being with him for 4 yrs... u can go back to him if it makes u feel any better... but things will be exactly the way they were... r u happy to settle with ther?? or u can get out there n get a life... find a new hobby or something u used to enjoy doing... expand ur social n hopefull find a new guy n stick him in ur mind...
well..u can talk to him about wats been in ur head lately...u MIGHT have a chance back with him but..very lil?? If i were you..ill just tell him how i feel, if he doesn't accept me back then o well ^___^ GOOD LUCK~
Its normal what you are going tru now. You broke up simply because both of you are not compatible. Now that you are single, its natural of you to think of him because you miss the feeling of having someone around. My opinion if you dump him because he is unexciting, obviously, meaning he is not the type for you. You have to think hard, evaluate yourself , your own feelings, 1) was the feeling of missing him simply because u miss having someone around or 2) perhaps you realized he has other good qualities beside being just unexciting and you discover you still loves him? If answer 1) I suggest you keep yourself more occupy. Go out with your friends, get to know more new friends. Keep yourself busy. its the matter of time you'll get use of being single again. Don't jump to quickly into another relationship again. Give yourself a break. Take this opportunity to meet more guys so you can pick and choose. If answer 2) Go back to him. Give him and your self another chance. But before that, you must be willing to accept him for being unexcited think of his other good qualities. Put it this way, there are no perfect human being. If you ever decide to go back to him, communicate with him. Tell him how you feel and how you guys can make relationship better. Relationship takes 2 to tango.
He was so...ugh..he was just so blah. I actually wanted him to ask for a 2nd chacne. but he didn't even do it. so I just left. pft.....
Maybe you were unexciting to him too. And maybe he wanted to break up with your too but you asked first.
gosh.. thats direct.. but nonetheless possible.. if i were you, I'll go find the excitement you yearn..
yea i think the first question is to ask are you thinking of him becuase you miss him or are you thinking of him because you are lonely cause if you miss him, go back if you are lonely, dont go back, it will just become a cycle i believe that couple that has experianced breaking up several times, but always getting back together can really work out becuase obviously you've been through really bad times, but even past bad times you realize you love that person so much you can forget about the bad times and still be with the person